I guess this will be a whiney post. Can I call it "venting" so it doesn't sound so bad?
I am tired...tired and a lil' bit overwhelmed. Mike has been working some extra hours and I can tell that I have been on my own with the kids more lately. I have to play the good Mommy role but geez, I am just plain crabby inside! LOL I need a vacation!!
I love my kids to pieces, and Elyssa is really a pretty good baby, but I am WORN OUT lately. I need to start taking the prenatal vitamins again to get some energy back. I hate feeling "blah" all the time. Most days I can't wait for night so I can go to sleep, but then I sit here instead because everyone else is asleep and I can enjoy the peaceful house. It's a rediculous pattern that I KNOW is not good for me!
Add to that, in the past 2 months, I have had 2 LONG colds and some type of weird flu thing too. That hasn't helped anything.
I just wish I could go to sleep one night and not wake up until my body is READY to wake up....Instead of waking up to an alarm blaring or "MOM! I'm hungry!".
It's all part of the life with 5 kids, I know that...and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I am just having one of those days I guess. And on top of everything else, I have these moments and then feel terribly guilty for not feeling that "motherly bliss" at all times.
Oh well...I do hear my bed calling. I'll do the smart thing and answer it :o)
Ramblings of a wanna-be Proverbs 31 woman.....Completely hopeful that the screaming, bickering, burnt food, sleepless nights, worry and anxiety will prove me worthy in the end. But for now, I'm just muddling through :o)
A plug for the big guy upstairs!
Just wanted to tell a little story about my Gramma while I'm thinking about it.
About 9 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer...It was pretty much as bad as it gets. She had known that she had a lump for about 6 years before the doctors found it but she's stubborn and refused to tell anyone. It was so bad that a large sore/scab had formed on the OUTSIDE of her breast.
She had a partial mastectomy, chemo and radiation. She lost all of her hair and felt sick often but rarely missed church and still went on her mall shopping sprees occasionally. Only a few short months after the diagnosis, she was back to work cleaning houses (she has her own cleaning business).
In 2005, she found out the cancer had returned. They found it in some of the bones around her neck area....bone cancer - not a good thing to hear. So, again she had radiation but opted for no other treatment. She was declared cancer free again a couple of months later. Her doctor was still not very optimistic, but when he told her she had 7 years left at the MOST, she just smiled and said "You apparently don't know the God I serve".
Now it has been almost another 4 years. She had a PET scan done last month which would show any cancer in the whole body. Her doctor called her and asked her to come in to talk to him about the results.
He told her that there was something there....but they couldn't decide if it was worrisome or not so they wanted her to see a surgeon to double check. Of course we all started praying and fasting. When she went to see him he ran more tests and told her that he couldn't find anything!! He also said, "From looking at your history, you should not be alive....But you come into my office and you are strong and healthy. You are a walking miracle".
God has been so good to our family. My Mom has also had cancer twice and went through it better than most, even without chemo OR radiation! They both have a wonderful story to tell, but most importantly, they both serve the same God, and he continues to keep them under his wing.
Thanks Lord!!
About 9 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer...It was pretty much as bad as it gets. She had known that she had a lump for about 6 years before the doctors found it but she's stubborn and refused to tell anyone. It was so bad that a large sore/scab had formed on the OUTSIDE of her breast.
She had a partial mastectomy, chemo and radiation. She lost all of her hair and felt sick often but rarely missed church and still went on her mall shopping sprees occasionally. Only a few short months after the diagnosis, she was back to work cleaning houses (she has her own cleaning business).
In 2005, she found out the cancer had returned. They found it in some of the bones around her neck area....bone cancer - not a good thing to hear. So, again she had radiation but opted for no other treatment. She was declared cancer free again a couple of months later. Her doctor was still not very optimistic, but when he told her she had 7 years left at the MOST, she just smiled and said "You apparently don't know the God I serve".
Now it has been almost another 4 years. She had a PET scan done last month which would show any cancer in the whole body. Her doctor called her and asked her to come in to talk to him about the results.
He told her that there was something there....but they couldn't decide if it was worrisome or not so they wanted her to see a surgeon to double check. Of course we all started praying and fasting. When she went to see him he ran more tests and told her that he couldn't find anything!! He also said, "From looking at your history, you should not be alive....But you come into my office and you are strong and healthy. You are a walking miracle".
God has been so good to our family. My Mom has also had cancer twice and went through it better than most, even without chemo OR radiation! They both have a wonderful story to tell, but most importantly, they both serve the same God, and he continues to keep them under his wing.
Thanks Lord!!
Rachel's Shower
Today was my Aunt Rachels baby shower. She got soooo many gifts and she looked beautiful! She is more like a sister to me than an Aunt. It made my heart happy to go to her shower today....to see her finally pregnant with the baby she has wanted for so long. I can't wait to meet little Samara so she can play with Elyssa :o)
Haylee and I worked on some decoupage wooden letters that spelled out "Samara" for the nursery wall. They turned out really cute.
As for family news....nothing too exciting. The kids are all doing well in school. They are still fighting like cats and dogs at home but we're working on that behavior.....Next week we'll be ordering Brandons cap/gown/invitations for graduation. Aaaaahhh!!!.....Isaac is pretty moody lately. The terrible 2's are at their worst right now. On the flip side, he often tells us he loves us out of the blue and that makes up for the rest. Is there anything better than hearing "I wub you Mom"?
Elyssa will be 3 months in 3 more days. How did THAT happen?? Today she rolled over for the first time, back to front. She thought it was a neat trick so she did it 3 times for us. She's got the chubbiest little cheeks and she's been a happy little girl for the most part. Everyone comments on how good she is. She waits patiently for someone to make eye contact and then gets this HUGE smile on her face. I must give her 50 kisses every day :O) She sleeps from 9:30pm until 5-6am. I'm sure most Moms can understand how wonderful that is! I truely couldn't ask for a better baby!
Besides the fact that I'd like to win the lottery, life is good right now :o)
Haylee and I worked on some decoupage wooden letters that spelled out "Samara" for the nursery wall. They turned out really cute.
As for family news....nothing too exciting. The kids are all doing well in school. They are still fighting like cats and dogs at home but we're working on that behavior.....Next week we'll be ordering Brandons cap/gown/invitations for graduation. Aaaaahhh!!!.....Isaac is pretty moody lately. The terrible 2's are at their worst right now. On the flip side, he often tells us he loves us out of the blue and that makes up for the rest. Is there anything better than hearing "I wub you Mom"?
Elyssa will be 3 months in 3 more days. How did THAT happen?? Today she rolled over for the first time, back to front. She thought it was a neat trick so she did it 3 times for us. She's got the chubbiest little cheeks and she's been a happy little girl for the most part. Everyone comments on how good she is. She waits patiently for someone to make eye contact and then gets this HUGE smile on her face. I must give her 50 kisses every day :O) She sleeps from 9:30pm until 5-6am. I'm sure most Moms can understand how wonderful that is! I truely couldn't ask for a better baby!
Besides the fact that I'd like to win the lottery, life is good right now :o)
No more spermies???
Yes, thats right, Mike had a vasectomy and has been officially delared sterile. I hate that word but it's the cold hard truth. No more babies for us. He called me while I was shopping last week to tell me this news. I felt that "not so good" feeling in the pit of my stomach when he said the words. I knew I'd be a little sad but I wasn't expecting it to be THAT emotional.
I guess maybe it's because I've been having babies since I was SIXTEEN! It has been the center of my life for the last 17 years! Now, I am leaving that part of my life behind forever and it's just....weird! Why is it so hard for me to give that up?
Anyways...Right after he told me, I started walking to the checkout line, fighting off the tears, and there was an older woman behind me. She start talking to Isaac and then the baby and asked how many kids I had. When I told her I have 5, she said in the sweetest southern voice, "Oooh honey, you are so lucky...so blessed to have 5 beautiful healthy children! That is just wonderful!".
For a minute I thought how strange it was for her to say that. Usually when I tell people I have 5 kids, I get comments like, "Oh you poor thing" or "My goodness, how do you handle that?". Then there's the oh so popular, "Are you CRAZY!?". LOL
But on that day, God sent me that sweet little old woman to remind me that even if I never have another baby...I am already BLESSED!!!
I guess maybe it's because I've been having babies since I was SIXTEEN! It has been the center of my life for the last 17 years! Now, I am leaving that part of my life behind forever and it's just....weird! Why is it so hard for me to give that up?
Anyways...Right after he told me, I started walking to the checkout line, fighting off the tears, and there was an older woman behind me. She start talking to Isaac and then the baby and asked how many kids I had. When I told her I have 5, she said in the sweetest southern voice, "Oooh honey, you are so lucky...so blessed to have 5 beautiful healthy children! That is just wonderful!".
For a minute I thought how strange it was for her to say that. Usually when I tell people I have 5 kids, I get comments like, "Oh you poor thing" or "My goodness, how do you handle that?". Then there's the oh so popular, "Are you CRAZY!?". LOL
But on that day, God sent me that sweet little old woman to remind me that even if I never have another baby...I am already BLESSED!!!
Thanks Pastor Loomis!!
I woke up yesterday thinking about Brandon. My firstborn child will graduate in a few months. Why does it seem like only a short time ago that I was 16 years old and getting ready to give birth to him? Wasn't it just last week that he was toddling around, shaking his booty to "achy breaky heart"? I can't believe how fast life has moved since then. Where has the time gone? I felt sad yesterday morning, thinking about my boy growing up and leaving and not needing me anymore.
I laid in bed thinking about what I would plan for his graduation party, then I got up, got dressed and dragged my sulking self to church. Here is the start of my Pastor's message from yesterday:
"I was in Florida this week with my Grandchildren and as I watched them playing together on the couch, it felt as if I was watching my own children at that age - and I thought to myself, where has the time gone?"
Alrighty then, I realized very quickly that God had a message for me :o)
Pastor Loomis preached a great sermon and what I got out of it is this: God has done great things for us in the past, but we can look forward to even greater things in our future. Don't get older and dwell on what USED to be. God has so much more in store for us - more than we can even imagine right now! Maybe it's time to stop asking "Where did the time go?" and instead say "Look how far I've come....and look where I'm going!!".
So, instead of looking back and wishing my boy was small again, I will look forward to seeing what he becomes. He might be out of my hands, but I am putting him into God's....and really, thats where he has been all along :o)
I laid in bed thinking about what I would plan for his graduation party, then I got up, got dressed and dragged my sulking self to church. Here is the start of my Pastor's message from yesterday:
"I was in Florida this week with my Grandchildren and as I watched them playing together on the couch, it felt as if I was watching my own children at that age - and I thought to myself, where has the time gone?"
Alrighty then, I realized very quickly that God had a message for me :o)
Pastor Loomis preached a great sermon and what I got out of it is this: God has done great things for us in the past, but we can look forward to even greater things in our future. Don't get older and dwell on what USED to be. God has so much more in store for us - more than we can even imagine right now! Maybe it's time to stop asking "Where did the time go?" and instead say "Look how far I've come....and look where I'm going!!".
So, instead of looking back and wishing my boy was small again, I will look forward to seeing what he becomes. He might be out of my hands, but I am putting him into God's....and really, thats where he has been all along :o)
One month already??
Elyssa will be be one month old tomorrow. She has been such a good baby so far and has smiled at me a few times this week. I haven't caught it on camera yet but believe me, it seriously melts the heart :o) They are those huge toothless smiles with the "smiling eyes" to match.
I am so in love with her, I can't even describe it. If I didn't have other things to do, I think I could literally sit and hold her...rock her...stare at her...ALL DAY!! I love all of my children equally of course, and that will never change, but I've been different with Elyssa. Maybe it's the fact that I'm older and calmer, or the fact that I've had 4 babies before her so I knew what to expect this time - But I am alot more relaxed and peaceful this time. I'm sure alot of it also has to do with knowing that she our last baby. I want to enjoy every minute and hold her as much as possible while she's still in the snuggly newborn stage. I know that I will never have this again so it makes every tiny new milestone seem bittersweet.
She saw the pediatrician last week, at 3 weeks old. She was 9lbs 9oz and 21 1/4 inches and everything checked out perfectly. I didn't need a doctor to tell me that - I already know she is perfect :o)
As for me, I don't think my body is "bouncing back" like it has before. I mean, I've lost almost all of the 23 lbs I had gained during pregnancy so that's not a problem. But my lower stomach muscles and pelvic bones always hurt terribly. Some days are better than others....today is not one of the better days :o( If I sneeze or cough I get a horrible pulling/burning sensation down there, like maybe I have some pulled muscles or something..? Uggh!! I had the same feelings during pregnancy but I just assumed it would be gone by now. I'm almost due for my 6 week postpartum checkup so I'm trying to hold out until then to ask the doctor.
I am so in love with her, I can't even describe it. If I didn't have other things to do, I think I could literally sit and hold her...rock her...stare at her...ALL DAY!! I love all of my children equally of course, and that will never change, but I've been different with Elyssa. Maybe it's the fact that I'm older and calmer, or the fact that I've had 4 babies before her so I knew what to expect this time - But I am alot more relaxed and peaceful this time. I'm sure alot of it also has to do with knowing that she our last baby. I want to enjoy every minute and hold her as much as possible while she's still in the snuggly newborn stage. I know that I will never have this again so it makes every tiny new milestone seem bittersweet.
She saw the pediatrician last week, at 3 weeks old. She was 9lbs 9oz and 21 1/4 inches and everything checked out perfectly. I didn't need a doctor to tell me that - I already know she is perfect :o)
As for me, I don't think my body is "bouncing back" like it has before. I mean, I've lost almost all of the 23 lbs I had gained during pregnancy so that's not a problem. But my lower stomach muscles and pelvic bones always hurt terribly. Some days are better than others....today is not one of the better days :o( If I sneeze or cough I get a horrible pulling/burning sensation down there, like maybe I have some pulled muscles or something..? Uggh!! I had the same feelings during pregnancy but I just assumed it would be gone by now. I'm almost due for my 6 week postpartum checkup so I'm trying to hold out until then to ask the doctor.
School is Good!!
I always hate to send my kids back to school. Partly because it means that the lazy summer days are over. No more lazing in the pool, no sleeping late, no sleepovers, etc...
On the other hand, I am totally enjoying my peaceful house for 8 hours a day! Elyssa isn't much trouble (yet) and Isaac is alot calmer without Ethan and Haylee around. I clean the house and it STAYS that way. Amazing but true! I can also watch "big people TV" again and actually HEAR it!
Of course, when the other kids walk thru the door, it's complete and utter chaos again. I love and miss them but I do like getting a few hours of sanity every day :o)
Brandon is a senior this year. Hard to believe....At this point he really has no plans for after he graduates. We've basically pushed him through high school. He's a smart kid but he does NOT give 100%. He only does what he HAS to do to get by. It's been a struggle for sure. All of his teachers agree that he is much smarter than average, but is very "lazy" with his work. Laziness has always been an issue at home too. I hope and pray that he finds some ambition this year.
Haylee is in 3rd grade. She's the social butterfly. I don't worry too much about her because she always seems to find a friend, no matter where she goes. She is outgoing and I'm sure she'll do well this year. Her teacher was a good friend of mine in elementary school. Small world!!
Ethan is in 1st grade. He went to school last week without any fears, but this week he was more hesitant. He worries alot about little things and he's really shy so I hope he finds some good friends this year and enjoys himself more. He seems to play with little girls more than boys. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I would like to see him find a few good boy pals too. I think boys are generally louder and more rambunctious and it intimidates him.
Hoping they all have a great year and do their best!!
On the other hand, I am totally enjoying my peaceful house for 8 hours a day! Elyssa isn't much trouble (yet) and Isaac is alot calmer without Ethan and Haylee around. I clean the house and it STAYS that way. Amazing but true! I can also watch "big people TV" again and actually HEAR it!
Of course, when the other kids walk thru the door, it's complete and utter chaos again. I love and miss them but I do like getting a few hours of sanity every day :o)
Brandon is a senior this year. Hard to believe....At this point he really has no plans for after he graduates. We've basically pushed him through high school. He's a smart kid but he does NOT give 100%. He only does what he HAS to do to get by. It's been a struggle for sure. All of his teachers agree that he is much smarter than average, but is very "lazy" with his work. Laziness has always been an issue at home too. I hope and pray that he finds some ambition this year.
Haylee is in 3rd grade. She's the social butterfly. I don't worry too much about her because she always seems to find a friend, no matter where she goes. She is outgoing and I'm sure she'll do well this year. Her teacher was a good friend of mine in elementary school. Small world!!
Ethan is in 1st grade. He went to school last week without any fears, but this week he was more hesitant. He worries alot about little things and he's really shy so I hope he finds some good friends this year and enjoys himself more. He seems to play with little girls more than boys. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I would like to see him find a few good boy pals too. I think boys are generally louder and more rambunctious and it intimidates him.
Hoping they all have a great year and do their best!!
Better late than never right?
I had planned to update about the baby being born but I always get distracted. Obviously, Miss Elyssa June has arrived! She was born August 11th, weighing 7lbs 12oz and she was 20 inches long. I can't believe she is almost 2 weeks old already!!
I am going to post her birth story sometime soon, but right now I am too busy rocking her....snuggling her....smelling her perfect little round head....staring at her sweet face....you get the idea :o)
I'm going to be a Mommy....again!
In less than 48 hours, our baby should be here. I'll admit I am NERVOUS about labor this time. I don't know why....maybe because Haylee will be there with us and I feel like I need to stay very calm. Who knows, maybe I'll cave and get an epidural this time. We'll see! But I am excited to see what she looks like. Will I finally have a baby with hair?? Probably not. LOL
I think I am in the nesting stage right now. I've washed windows, cleaned, rearranged a few things and mopped all of the floors. Bring on the baby I say!!
Last night I decided on one last splurge and bought her a pink infant carseat (after going to 5 stores!!). I just couldn't imagine using the green and blue one I already have. LOL Honestly, I have been very "cheap" this time. I haven't bought anything new. All of the clothes have come from resale shops and garage sales. I still had the pack and play from Isaac, and I got the moses basket and swing used from craigslist.....So, I figured I am entitled to one brand new thing for her :o)
Mike just went out to Loomis to get me a remote cable for the camera. Since everyone else gets into the delivery too much and forgets to take pictures, I guess it's up to me. Hahaha!
I probably won't update again until next week. I'm taking the laptop with me, so I'll probably post a quickie blog sometime Monday night when everyone leaves me. I never can sleep well and that newborn channel gets old pretty quickly :o)
I think I am in the nesting stage right now. I've washed windows, cleaned, rearranged a few things and mopped all of the floors. Bring on the baby I say!!
Last night I decided on one last splurge and bought her a pink infant carseat (after going to 5 stores!!). I just couldn't imagine using the green and blue one I already have. LOL Honestly, I have been very "cheap" this time. I haven't bought anything new. All of the clothes have come from resale shops and garage sales. I still had the pack and play from Isaac, and I got the moses basket and swing used from craigslist.....So, I figured I am entitled to one brand new thing for her :o)
Mike just went out to Loomis to get me a remote cable for the camera. Since everyone else gets into the delivery too much and forgets to take pictures, I guess it's up to me. Hahaha!
I probably won't update again until next week. I'm taking the laptop with me, so I'll probably post a quickie blog sometime Monday night when everyone leaves me. I never can sleep well and that newborn channel gets old pretty quickly :o)
Brandon turned 17 at 1:55am today! It's hard to believe he's that old already! He'll be starting his senior year in August!
We had his party on Saturday. He had a few friends over and they played their annual "machine gun kelly" game until almost 2am outside. I thought they would outgrow it eventually but they started playing it at his party when he turned 11 and it's the big thing every year now. All of his friends come prepared with dark clothes and hats. I guess boys really don't ever grow up ;o)
Anyways...Happy Birthday to my oldest "baby" boy!!
We had his party on Saturday. He had a few friends over and they played their annual "machine gun kelly" game until almost 2am outside. I thought they would outgrow it eventually but they started playing it at his party when he turned 11 and it's the big thing every year now. All of his friends come prepared with dark clothes and hats. I guess boys really don't ever grow up ;o)
Anyways...Happy Birthday to my oldest "baby" boy!!
August 11th - Delivery Day
We didn't get our 8-8-08 date, but I will be induced on August 11th....assuming nothing happens before then, which it probably won't. Sooo, two weeks from now we will have another little pink girl....a screaming bundle....no sleep....no rest....no "me" time.....and I can't wait for it!! LOL
I finally got all of her things put away and I was almost in tears looking at all of the tiny little shoes, hairbows, socks and onesies. About 7 1/2 months ago I found out I was pregnant and to be honest, I felt shocked and disappointed that we had "let this happen" again. We are in our 30's - We aren't supposed to have unplanned pregnancies. I felt like an irresponsible embarrassed teenager. How would I tell my family? How would I deal with another pregnancy/baby when we already have 4children and Isaac keeps me so busy already?
It's funny how things have changed over the months. At some point, my fears and disappointment turned into peace and joy! God knows exactly what he is doing and I feel bad now for even doubting that. This perfect, wonderful little girl was meant to be part of our family, and Haylee is getting something she has prayed for for years - a little sister! Sometimes the best things in life are the ones you don't plan for. I truely am blessed, no matter how chaotic my house is sometimes :o)
Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
I finally got all of her things put away and I was almost in tears looking at all of the tiny little shoes, hairbows, socks and onesies. About 7 1/2 months ago I found out I was pregnant and to be honest, I felt shocked and disappointed that we had "let this happen" again. We are in our 30's - We aren't supposed to have unplanned pregnancies. I felt like an irresponsible embarrassed teenager. How would I tell my family? How would I deal with another pregnancy/baby when we already have 4children and Isaac keeps me so busy already?
It's funny how things have changed over the months. At some point, my fears and disappointment turned into peace and joy! God knows exactly what he is doing and I feel bad now for even doubting that. This perfect, wonderful little girl was meant to be part of our family, and Haylee is getting something she has prayed for for years - a little sister! Sometimes the best things in life are the ones you don't plan for. I truely am blessed, no matter how chaotic my house is sometimes :o)
Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
Time is almost up!!
It's been a few weeks since I've updated. We had another ultrasound on the 10th. The baby is doing well and she (yes, it's still a girl!!) was estimated to weigh about 4lbs 15oz. The technician said she is average weight, not on the large side, thank God!!
Tomorrow I go to the doctor again and will talk to the doctor about setting an induction date. We are hoping for 8-8-08 which is about a week before my due date, and it's a Friday so my parents can keep the other kids for the weekend. Plus, it's just a cool date :o)
I have enjoyed my pregnancy up until now, but recently my back has started to hurt badly, and I get out of breath SO easily. Thanks to the back pain, I now have the "pregnant waddle" - I am officially sick of being pregnant and ready to meet my baby girl!
The other kids are doing well. Mike has been off work since late June so we've had plenty of family time this summer. Maybe TOO much. LOL I am ready for our normal life to resume, whatever NORMAL means :)
Oh, we have picked a baby name FINALLY, although we aren't telling any of our family until she is born....but her name will be Elyssa June. Elyssa is a form of Elsie (Mike's Moms name) and Elyssa/Elsie means Consecrated To God. June is my Mom and Grammas middle name....and my Great-Gramma was actually named Elsie too, so she will be named after FOUR of her Grandmothers. Pretty cool, eh??
Tomorrow I go to the doctor again and will talk to the doctor about setting an induction date. We are hoping for 8-8-08 which is about a week before my due date, and it's a Friday so my parents can keep the other kids for the weekend. Plus, it's just a cool date :o)
I have enjoyed my pregnancy up until now, but recently my back has started to hurt badly, and I get out of breath SO easily. Thanks to the back pain, I now have the "pregnant waddle" - I am officially sick of being pregnant and ready to meet my baby girl!
The other kids are doing well. Mike has been off work since late June so we've had plenty of family time this summer. Maybe TOO much. LOL I am ready for our normal life to resume, whatever NORMAL means :)
Oh, we have picked a baby name FINALLY, although we aren't telling any of our family until she is born....but her name will be Elyssa June. Elyssa is a form of Elsie (Mike's Moms name) and Elyssa/Elsie means Consecrated To God. June is my Mom and Grammas middle name....and my Great-Gramma was actually named Elsie too, so she will be named after FOUR of her Grandmothers. Pretty cool, eh??
The Birthday Boy
The 25th was Ethan's 6th birthday! He went out with Daddy to shop for a toy and have lunch at Burger King. Haylee and I made him an oreo cake.
Today was his party. We decided to keep it small with just my parents and a few of his closest friends from church and school. He had a spongebob theme and his favorite dairy queen cake. Even though it rained off and on, we managed to keep the party outside under a big canopy and the kids still got to swim during dry periods. All in all, it went well. Ethan has one friend staying the night and right now it's 10:40pm and they are running around here dressed as spiderman and batman.
I spent all morning cleaning and washing floors but I am starting to realize that cleaning good before a kid party is pointless :o)
Pictures will be posted soon. I have to go now and get them to bed.
Today was his party. We decided to keep it small with just my parents and a few of his closest friends from church and school. He had a spongebob theme and his favorite dairy queen cake. Even though it rained off and on, we managed to keep the party outside under a big canopy and the kids still got to swim during dry periods. All in all, it went well. Ethan has one friend staying the night and right now it's 10:40pm and they are running around here dressed as spiderman and batman.
I spent all morning cleaning and washing floors but I am starting to realize that cleaning good before a kid party is pointless :o)
Pictures will be posted soon. I have to go now and get them to bed.
Ooops, it's been awhile again. Things are good here. The kids are out of school for the summer so life is hectic but we're all surviving. They've been swimming (when it's warm enough!) and having friends over alot.
Little Miss Ella June will be here in about 7 weeks. No, Mike has NOT agreed to that name yet but I'm still holding out hope. I've gained a total of 19lbs so far and I feel pretty good, other than a backache here and there. Her kicks and movements have gotten alot stronger. The kids like to watch my belly jump and move. yeah, I'm a freak show! ;o)
The photography biz has really picked up in the past month or so. I've had a wedding, a HUGE sweet 16 party, some children and a doggy shoot. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the editing but I think I'm getting there. I already have 2 things booked for NEXT year and a few things this Fall.
My Aunt Rachel is almost 12 weeks now. She has had 2 instances with spotting but she has seen the babe on ultrasound and hopefully she'll be able to hear the heartbeat next Thursday! We are having fun with the pregnancy/baby talk, garage sales and shopping. I wish we were having the babies closer together but a 5 month age difference won't be so bad. I hope she has a girl too!!
Since my last blog, Isaac has potty trained himself....mostly. He mastered the pee-pee thing in ONE day, with no help or pushing from us, but the poop issue has not been so easy. He is getting there, though!!
Ethan will be 6 in 4 days! Amazing how time flies!! Next year he'll be a first grader!!
I guess that's about it for my updating. Little Jo-jo turns 3 today so we are getting ready to go to his party.
Little Miss Ella June will be here in about 7 weeks. No, Mike has NOT agreed to that name yet but I'm still holding out hope. I've gained a total of 19lbs so far and I feel pretty good, other than a backache here and there. Her kicks and movements have gotten alot stronger. The kids like to watch my belly jump and move. yeah, I'm a freak show! ;o)
The photography biz has really picked up in the past month or so. I've had a wedding, a HUGE sweet 16 party, some children and a doggy shoot. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the editing but I think I'm getting there. I already have 2 things booked for NEXT year and a few things this Fall.
My Aunt Rachel is almost 12 weeks now. She has had 2 instances with spotting but she has seen the babe on ultrasound and hopefully she'll be able to hear the heartbeat next Thursday! We are having fun with the pregnancy/baby talk, garage sales and shopping. I wish we were having the babies closer together but a 5 month age difference won't be so bad. I hope she has a girl too!!
Since my last blog, Isaac has potty trained himself....mostly. He mastered the pee-pee thing in ONE day, with no help or pushing from us, but the poop issue has not been so easy. He is getting there, though!!
Ethan will be 6 in 4 days! Amazing how time flies!! Next year he'll be a first grader!!
I guess that's about it for my updating. Little Jo-jo turns 3 today so we are getting ready to go to his party.
Mothers Day
Yesterday was Mothers Day. It rained all day but otherwise, it was still a good day. Haylee and Ethan couldn't wait to give me their gifts. They had made some things at school and also colored some pictures for me here at home. Isaac even scribbled on paper for me :o)
Mike got me a huge tomato plant and some Mrs Millers pepper mustard dip! Yay!! The man apparently knows I like to eat!
I went to my Moms church that morning and then picked up pizza and mothers day cupcakes and we all went back to her house for dinner.
Mike took Ethan and Brandon home later that evening and I took Haylee and Isaac and went with my Mom to a church where our old Pastor (Rudy) was preaching. We loved him sooo much and I was pretty upset when they announced their resignation from the church. We hadn't seen him or Sharon since they left about 4 years ago, so it was nice to see/hear them again. I really miss those days....and I miss my Mom going to church with me too. She left my church a year ago to go somewhere else. I know she has to go where she feels led to be....but that doesn't make me miss her any less :o(
Anyways, it was a good day overall!
Mike got me a huge tomato plant and some Mrs Millers pepper mustard dip! Yay!! The man apparently knows I like to eat!
I went to my Moms church that morning and then picked up pizza and mothers day cupcakes and we all went back to her house for dinner.
Mike took Ethan and Brandon home later that evening and I took Haylee and Isaac and went with my Mom to a church where our old Pastor (Rudy) was preaching. We loved him sooo much and I was pretty upset when they announced their resignation from the church. We hadn't seen him or Sharon since they left about 4 years ago, so it was nice to see/hear them again. I really miss those days....and I miss my Mom going to church with me too. She left my church a year ago to go somewhere else. I know she has to go where she feels led to be....but that doesn't make me miss her any less :o(
Anyways, it was a good day overall!
Busy Day!
Today was Mike's 39th birthday. Next year is the big 40!!
I took Haylee to the Red Cross this morning for a class to earn her first aid badge. Good job Haylee-girl! Now we know who to run to if we choke on a chicken bone or something ;o) Just kidding - I am really glad she learned those things. Mike and I were actually discussing taking the adult class. We both learned those things in high school but geez, that was like....5 years ago....heeheehee
After we picked her up, we all went out to lunch for Daddys birthday, then we were off to the big Art show! Haylee and Ethan both got their artwork picked to be on display. Poor little Ethan hates art class but he was so proud of his caterpillar today. Haylee had two things, a sunflower picture and a self portrait. Sooo proud of them both!!

I took Haylee to the Red Cross this morning for a class to earn her first aid badge. Good job Haylee-girl! Now we know who to run to if we choke on a chicken bone or something ;o) Just kidding - I am really glad she learned those things. Mike and I were actually discussing taking the adult class. We both learned those things in high school but geez, that was like....5 years ago....heeheehee
After we picked her up, we all went out to lunch for Daddys birthday, then we were off to the big Art show! Haylee and Ethan both got their artwork picked to be on display. Poor little Ethan hates art class but he was so proud of his caterpillar today. Haylee had two things, a sunflower picture and a self portrait. Sooo proud of them both!!

Will you have me?
This is Isaac's new way of asking someone to hold him or pick him up - "Will you have me"? It's soooo stinkin' cute!! I love to hear him say it. You just can't say no to that sweet little face.
I went to a garage sale this morning with Rachel (the preggo Aunt). She found some gender neutral things and I got 2 outfits for our baby and a few cute onesies. I can't wait until garage sale season is in full swing!! Today was only the beginning :o)
We went to visit my Gramma today and Isaac 'helped' Papa Ray outside in the greenhouse. They shoveled some dirt, checked the plants and walked around the yard. Papa always comes in and says "That boy wears me out". Yeah, Isaac has a way of doing that.
Brandon had a zoo trip for school today. He said it was boring because most of the exhibits were under construction. He also didn't like it because they gave them some worksheets to do while they were there ;o)
Ethan and Haylee will both have their artwork displayed at an art show on Saturday. That is exciting, especially for Ethan since he really dislikes art class for some odd reason.
Tomorrow is another OB/GYN appointment....Yippeee....can you sense my sarcasm? They are pretty boring and pointless at this stage. But I'll be the good patient and spend $10 in gas to go pee in a cup, tell the doc that I feel fine, and then drive back home. LOL
I went to a garage sale this morning with Rachel (the preggo Aunt). She found some gender neutral things and I got 2 outfits for our baby and a few cute onesies. I can't wait until garage sale season is in full swing!! Today was only the beginning :o)
We went to visit my Gramma today and Isaac 'helped' Papa Ray outside in the greenhouse. They shoveled some dirt, checked the plants and walked around the yard. Papa always comes in and says "That boy wears me out". Yeah, Isaac has a way of doing that.
Brandon had a zoo trip for school today. He said it was boring because most of the exhibits were under construction. He also didn't like it because they gave them some worksheets to do while they were there ;o)
Ethan and Haylee will both have their artwork displayed at an art show on Saturday. That is exciting, especially for Ethan since he really dislikes art class for some odd reason.
Tomorrow is another OB/GYN appointment....Yippeee....can you sense my sarcasm? They are pretty boring and pointless at this stage. But I'll be the good patient and spend $10 in gas to go pee in a cup, tell the doc that I feel fine, and then drive back home. LOL
No, not me....well, I am too but this post isn't about me :o)
My Aunt found out this morning that she is pregnant with her first baby! She is 35 and they only tried for one month. I am beyond excited because we grew up like sisters and I always thought it would be so great to be pregnant together. Finally, we get to do that - even though I only have 3 months left.
This morning I woke up to my alarm and then dozed off for a few minutes and in that time, I dreamed that she came to me with a PG test and told me it was negative. So I held it up near a window and said "No, it's POSITIVE!! It's just very light!!". I woke up sad when I realized it was a dream but about 10 minutes later she called me crying and said "Trace, I think I see a line!"....I said "I think you see one too because I just dreamed it a few minutes ago!" LOL
Of course I had to rush to her house to see the line for myself :o)
She will be due January 6th according to the online due date calculators. Our babies will only be 5 months apart, yay!!!
Congrats Rachel & Josh!!
My Aunt found out this morning that she is pregnant with her first baby! She is 35 and they only tried for one month. I am beyond excited because we grew up like sisters and I always thought it would be so great to be pregnant together. Finally, we get to do that - even though I only have 3 months left.
This morning I woke up to my alarm and then dozed off for a few minutes and in that time, I dreamed that she came to me with a PG test and told me it was negative. So I held it up near a window and said "No, it's POSITIVE!! It's just very light!!". I woke up sad when I realized it was a dream but about 10 minutes later she called me crying and said "Trace, I think I see a line!"....I said "I think you see one too because I just dreamed it a few minutes ago!" LOL
Of course I had to rush to her house to see the line for myself :o)
She will be due January 6th according to the online due date calculators. Our babies will only be 5 months apart, yay!!!
Congrats Rachel & Josh!!
Sunny Days
It was a beautiful week here! Mike was out of work due to some back pain so he was home all week too and we spent alot of time outside. I think we ate outside on the picnic table at least once every day. I LOVE Spring! Too bad next week's weather doesn't look so great. Upper 40's for the high's - what is that about??
Anyways, we did some yard work and some power washing. I love the smell of cut grass! I also lined the flower garden with rocks that we found in the field next to us. I overdid it and had a couple of painful days after that. Of course I got alot of "I told you so's" from Mike, and my Mom says I need to "act like I'm pregnant" LOL....but hey, my yard looks good right now :o)
Isaac is taller this year and he has taken over Ethan's power wheels 4-wheeler. He just turned 2 in January but he can steer it perfectly and he knows how/when to reverse and back up. I think we'll need to invest in another one or hopefully find one at a garage sale. When Ethan gets on it, Isaac runs behind him the whole time, crying "my ride, my ride!!"
Isaac is definitely the out-door-sy one. Is that a word? From the moment he wakes up he is asking to go 'outlide'. I can hardly get him to stop playing long enough to eat and if we have to go in for awhile it's a dramatic crying scene. He has been more difficult about laying down for a nap too. I am not ready for him to stop napping yet!! LOL But honestly, he still NEEDS a nap. If he doesn't take one around 1pm then he wants to fall asleep around 6-7pm and that's not going to work out well.
Our next big step is potty training. It would be nice to have him out of diapers by August when the baby arrives. But, we'll see how it goes.
Anyways, we did some yard work and some power washing. I love the smell of cut grass! I also lined the flower garden with rocks that we found in the field next to us. I overdid it and had a couple of painful days after that. Of course I got alot of "I told you so's" from Mike, and my Mom says I need to "act like I'm pregnant" LOL....but hey, my yard looks good right now :o)
Isaac is taller this year and he has taken over Ethan's power wheels 4-wheeler. He just turned 2 in January but he can steer it perfectly and he knows how/when to reverse and back up. I think we'll need to invest in another one or hopefully find one at a garage sale. When Ethan gets on it, Isaac runs behind him the whole time, crying "my ride, my ride!!"
Isaac is definitely the out-door-sy one. Is that a word? From the moment he wakes up he is asking to go 'outlide'. I can hardly get him to stop playing long enough to eat and if we have to go in for awhile it's a dramatic crying scene. He has been more difficult about laying down for a nap too. I am not ready for him to stop napping yet!! LOL But honestly, he still NEEDS a nap. If he doesn't take one around 1pm then he wants to fall asleep around 6-7pm and that's not going to work out well.
Our next big step is potty training. It would be nice to have him out of diapers by August when the baby arrives. But, we'll see how it goes.
The Baby Girl

This picture is from last week at 22 weeks. I am now 23 1/2 weeks. We're getting there, but August still seems like so far away!!
The Weekend
Saturday was pretty boring. I had expired tags so we couldn't go anywhere :o( But Mike grilled chicken and we had a picnic outside and did a bit of yard work while the kids played.
My Grammy ended up back at the doctors that day. She had her bladder "sling" put in on Tuesday and came home Thursday. By Saturday afternoon her tummy was huge and painful and she realized she hadn't peed in almost 24 hours! They gave her a catheter at the office that evening and drained 2 1/2 bags of urine! Yikes!!
Anyways, we went to her house for a visit on Sunday (I risked the expired tags since she lives 2 minutes down the road) and she was feeling much better but still sore from the incision. Isaac convinced my 70 year old Pappy to play with him and they went off looking for frogs (for some reason men are total suckers for Isaac). Ethan and Haylee joined them eventually and they found a frog in the ditch so they were watching him hop and swim. Me and my Gramma were sitting on the porch swing and it wasn't long before I heard a splash....I jumped up to see Ethan climbing out of the ditch, covered in water and mud - literally from head to toe! Ooops! That was my cue to go home - With Ethan sitting on a garbage bag LOL
My Grammy ended up back at the doctors that day. She had her bladder "sling" put in on Tuesday and came home Thursday. By Saturday afternoon her tummy was huge and painful and she realized she hadn't peed in almost 24 hours! They gave her a catheter at the office that evening and drained 2 1/2 bags of urine! Yikes!!
Anyways, we went to her house for a visit on Sunday (I risked the expired tags since she lives 2 minutes down the road) and she was feeling much better but still sore from the incision. Isaac convinced my 70 year old Pappy to play with him and they went off looking for frogs (for some reason men are total suckers for Isaac). Ethan and Haylee joined them eventually and they found a frog in the ditch so they were watching him hop and swim. Me and my Gramma were sitting on the porch swing and it wasn't long before I heard a splash....I jumped up to see Ethan climbing out of the ditch, covered in water and mud - literally from head to toe! Ooops! That was my cue to go home - With Ethan sitting on a garbage bag LOL
Happy Birthday to me!!
Today I turned 33. No biggie, I lived thru it....This morning before school, I knew Ethan and Haylee were up to something. Before Haylee got on the bus, they gave me some homemade cards, some leftover Easter candy wrapped in a paper heart that Haylee cut out, and a box filled with things from their rooms. Just what I always wanted...Mickey Mouse books and baby doll clothes. LOL! Those are gifts I won't forget anytime soon :o) But very sweet and thoughtful of them!
Since everyone else was at school/work, I took Ethan and Isaac to Burger King for breakfast. Then we went to visit Gramma Cadle at the hospital. She had surgery on her bladder...something about it "falling" and needing lifted again. I don't know the details but she did well and she was harrassing the nurses about wanting to go home already. Typical Gramma - Now we have to try to keep her from going back to work too soon because she is stubborn and won't listen to the doctors orders.
After that I took the boys to Ely square to blow some bubbles and enjoy the weather. it wasn't long before there was a small crowd of children around us. You'd think they had never seen bubbles before. LOL Isaac chased bubbles and fell flat on his face...TWICE! He now has scuffs and scrapes on his forehead, nose and above his lip. Poor little guy -
When Mike got home, they all made me birthday brownies, we rode the 4-wheeler and played outside with the kiddos. Mike and I will also be going out ALONE this weekend since we couldn't do anything exciting on a work/school day. That will be the first time in months that we've done anything without the kids. Yippeee!
A "33" picture from today -
Since everyone else was at school/work, I took Ethan and Isaac to Burger King for breakfast. Then we went to visit Gramma Cadle at the hospital. She had surgery on her bladder...something about it "falling" and needing lifted again. I don't know the details but she did well and she was harrassing the nurses about wanting to go home already. Typical Gramma - Now we have to try to keep her from going back to work too soon because she is stubborn and won't listen to the doctors orders.

When Mike got home, they all made me birthday brownies, we rode the 4-wheeler and played outside with the kiddos. Mike and I will also be going out ALONE this weekend since we couldn't do anything exciting on a work/school day. That will be the first time in months that we've done anything without the kids. Yippeee!
A "33" picture from today -

Sunday Ramblings....
Nothing too exciting going on for us. My Mom called this morning to see if we all wanted to come over for dinner after church. They ordered pizza and she also had gotten a small cake and some ice cream for my birthday (which isn't until Wednesday). I told her I was trying to ignore this birthday - You know the old saying "Ignore it and it'll go away"? LOL I guess that doesn't always work. Thirty three is on it's way whether I like it or not....blah!!
Anyways, I am so amazed at the relationship between my Dad and Isaac. They have really become pals over the past few months and Isaac has somehow managed to turn my big tough Daddy into a true "papaw". My Dad had picked up a peg perego 4 wheeler from someone last summer but he never could get it working for Isaac. So, today he tied a rope on the front of it and pulled Isaac around outside, by hand! They also rode the 4-wheeler and then my Dad followed him around while he rode his trike. I never thought I'd see the day that my Dad would turn into a softie for a child. He carries Isaac around the whole time we're there, feeds him, plays with him....Can you say SPOILED??....but it's a beautiful thing to see. Isaac LOVES to go see his Pappy!!
I don't really have much more to say. Oh I did buy a few outfits on ebay for the baby! Yay!!! I paid a whole $11 for 8 outfits (including shipping!!) - and 3 or 4 of those were brand new with tags Carters outfits!! I definitely got a deal and I can't wait to get it all!

I don't really have much more to say. Oh I did buy a few outfits on ebay for the baby! Yay!!! I paid a whole $11 for 8 outfits (including shipping!!) - and 3 or 4 of those were brand new with tags Carters outfits!! I definitely got a deal and I can't wait to get it all!
The Repeater....
Isaac is driving me nuts with his repeating. He says the same sentence or question about 20 times in a row. Yesterday we were at Goodwill and he would not stop asking, "Go home now? We go home now? MOMMY!! Go home now?". People were starting to look annoyed. I went into the dressing room to try something on and I tried to reason with him :o) I told him he is too loud and needs to stop saying that and be quieter. So he whispers loudly 'MOM'....I say what and he whispers "We go home now? go home now?". I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at that point.
Then we get home and while I was cooking french toast, he stood there and asked about 30 times, "Is that mine Mom? That mine? Is that mine?". No matter how many times I answer, he still keeps asking. AAAAHHHHH!!
This morning Mike got his turn. Isaac sat on his lap for a good 15 minutes with a picture of his little cousin Joey and asked Mike, "Is that Jojo? Is that Jojo? Ooh Jojo, is that Jojo"........over and over and over and over. LOL
We'll look back at this phase and laugh someday, RIGHT??
Then we get home and while I was cooking french toast, he stood there and asked about 30 times, "Is that mine Mom? That mine? Is that mine?". No matter how many times I answer, he still keeps asking. AAAAHHHHH!!
This morning Mike got his turn. Isaac sat on his lap for a good 15 minutes with a picture of his little cousin Joey and asked Mike, "Is that Jojo? Is that Jojo? Ooh Jojo, is that Jojo"........over and over and over and over. LOL
We'll look back at this phase and laugh someday, RIGHT??
Now for the big news.....
We found out right before Christmas that we are having another baby! It was a big surprise but we are looking forward to having another newborn in the house. The due date is August 16th....Here is baby #5 at 12 weeks:

This is me at 14 weeks:

When we told the kids, Brandon said he was moving out ;o) Haylee was excited. Ethan was upset because he thought we meant that I was going to the hospital RIGHT THEN. LOL Once we explained to him that it would be a few months, he was ok and happy. Haylee started praying for a sister right away and of course the boys were wishing for another boy.
The 18 week ultrasound was on March 20th. The tech measured everything and said that the baby looked good. When she suddenly turned the machine off, I was surprised that she hadn't asked if we wanted to know the sex. Doesn't almost everyone want to know that?? So, I asked her if she had seen it...She looked at Haylee, Mike and Ethan and asked if any of them would be disappointed in the answer. I told her that Haylee might be and she smiled and said, "No, she won't be - it's definitely a GIRL".
I couldn't stop a few tears from slipping out. Then I looked over and saw my big strong husband wiping tears away from his eyes too. I think we were just sooo happy to know that Haylee would finally get the sister she has wanted for so long. They'll be 8 years apart but that's ok :o) I have to admit, I really wanted a girl too. After 2 boys in a row, I am ready for pink ruffles and bows again.
Here is a picture of our second daughter at 18 weeks. I can hardly wait to meet her!!
This is me at 14 weeks:
When we told the kids, Brandon said he was moving out ;o) Haylee was excited. Ethan was upset because he thought we meant that I was going to the hospital RIGHT THEN. LOL Once we explained to him that it would be a few months, he was ok and happy. Haylee started praying for a sister right away and of course the boys were wishing for another boy.
The 18 week ultrasound was on March 20th. The tech measured everything and said that the baby looked good. When she suddenly turned the machine off, I was surprised that she hadn't asked if we wanted to know the sex. Doesn't almost everyone want to know that?? So, I asked her if she had seen it...She looked at Haylee, Mike and Ethan and asked if any of them would be disappointed in the answer. I told her that Haylee might be and she smiled and said, "No, she won't be - it's definitely a GIRL".
I couldn't stop a few tears from slipping out. Then I looked over and saw my big strong husband wiping tears away from his eyes too. I think we were just sooo happy to know that Haylee would finally get the sister she has wanted for so long. They'll be 8 years apart but that's ok :o) I have to admit, I really wanted a girl too. After 2 boys in a row, I am ready for pink ruffles and bows again.
Here is a picture of our second daughter at 18 weeks. I can hardly wait to meet her!!
I'm baaaack!!
So, I guess it's been awhile? I haven't posted on here since October of last year!
Well, Christmas was great but thank God it is finally SPRING!! We are enjoying the warmer weather and, since the kids were out of school today, we had our first cookout/picnic today. That is one of my favorite things to do in the warm months, especially since Mike cooks :o) Something about the Spring weather makes me feel so relaxed and peaceful.
After reading my last post, I feel the need to say that yes, Brandon DID finally pass his driving test. LOL He got his license on October 31st - Halloween
We are off to church....will update more tonight.
Well, Christmas was great but thank God it is finally SPRING!! We are enjoying the warmer weather and, since the kids were out of school today, we had our first cookout/picnic today. That is one of my favorite things to do in the warm months, especially since Mike cooks :o) Something about the Spring weather makes me feel so relaxed and peaceful.
After reading my last post, I feel the need to say that yes, Brandon DID finally pass his driving test. LOL He got his license on October 31st - Halloween
We are off to church....will update more tonight.
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