
Time is almost up!!

It's been a few weeks since I've updated. We had another ultrasound on the 10th. The baby is doing well and she (yes, it's still a girl!!) was estimated to weigh about 4lbs 15oz. The technician said she is average weight, not on the large side, thank God!!

Tomorrow I go to the doctor again and will talk to the doctor about setting an induction date. We are hoping for 8-8-08 which is about a week before my due date, and it's a Friday so my parents can keep the other kids for the weekend. Plus, it's just a cool date :o)

I have enjoyed my pregnancy up until now, but recently my back has started to hurt badly, and I get out of breath SO easily. Thanks to the back pain, I now have the "pregnant waddle" - I am officially sick of being pregnant and ready to meet my baby girl!

The other kids are doing well. Mike has been off work since late June so we've had plenty of family time this summer. Maybe TOO much. LOL I am ready for our normal life to resume, whatever NORMAL means :)

Oh, we have picked a baby name FINALLY, although we aren't telling any of our family until she is born....but her name will be Elyssa June. Elyssa is a form of Elsie (Mike's Moms name) and Elyssa/Elsie means Consecrated To God. June is my Mom and Grammas middle name....and my Great-Gramma was actually named Elsie too, so she will be named after FOUR of her Grandmothers. Pretty cool, eh??


  1. OMG didn't you just get a positive test? Amazing how 9 months can fly by! (At least for the rest of us, you might not feel the same way) Where's the belly pics?

  2. I love the name. You make one beautiful pregnant woman-it was great to see you! Congrats again and good luck with the labor. Can't wait to meet your little girl.

  3. I love, love, love the name! I am all for names with meaning and your baby girl's name will have some serious meaning--besides being super cute/pretty! I agree with Kate, you are a gorgeous preggo lady! Pregnancy looks so good on you, might be why you have done it so many times! LOL!
