
The Birthday Boy

The 25th was Ethan's 6th birthday! He went out with Daddy to shop for a toy and have lunch at Burger King. Haylee and I made him an oreo cake.

Today was his party. We decided to keep it small with just my parents and a few of his closest friends from church and school. He had a spongebob theme and his favorite dairy queen cake. Even though it rained off and on, we managed to keep the party outside under a big canopy and the kids still got to swim during dry periods. All in all, it went well. Ethan has one friend staying the night and right now it's 10:40pm and they are running around here dressed as spiderman and batman.

I spent all morning cleaning and washing floors but I am starting to realize that cleaning good before a kid party is pointless :o)

Pictures will be posted soon. I have to go now and get them to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Ethan! Sounds like you had a blast! Can't wait to see pics!
