
One month already??

Elyssa will be be one month old tomorrow. She has been such a good baby so far and has smiled at me a few times this week. I haven't caught it on camera yet but believe me, it seriously melts the heart :o) They are those huge toothless smiles with the "smiling eyes" to match.

I am so in love with her, I can't even describe it. If I didn't have other things to do, I think I could literally sit and hold her...rock her...stare at her...ALL DAY!! I love all of my children equally of course, and that will never change, but I've been different with Elyssa. Maybe it's the fact that I'm older and calmer, or the fact that I've had 4 babies before her so I knew what to expect this time - But I am alot more relaxed and peaceful this time. I'm sure alot of it also has to do with knowing that she our last baby. I want to enjoy every minute and hold her as much as possible while she's still in the snuggly newborn stage. I know that I will never have this again so it makes every tiny new milestone seem bittersweet.

She saw the pediatrician last week, at 3 weeks old. She was 9lbs 9oz and 21 1/4 inches and everything checked out perfectly. I didn't need a doctor to tell me that - I already know she is perfect :o)

As for me, I don't think my body is "bouncing back" like it has before. I mean, I've lost almost all of the 23 lbs I had gained during pregnancy so that's not a problem. But my lower stomach muscles and pelvic bones always hurt terribly. Some days are better than others....today is not one of the better days :o( If I sneeze or cough I get a horrible pulling/burning sensation down there, like maybe I have some pulled muscles or something..? Uggh!! I had the same feelings during pregnancy but I just assumed it would be gone by now. I'm almost due for my 6 week postpartum checkup so I'm trying to hold out until then to ask the doctor.

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