
I'm going to be a Mommy....again!

In less than 48 hours, our baby should be here. I'll admit I am NERVOUS about labor this time. I don't know why....maybe because Haylee will be there with us and I feel like I need to stay very calm. Who knows, maybe I'll cave and get an epidural this time. We'll see! But I am excited to see what she looks like. Will I finally have a baby with hair?? Probably not. LOL

I think I am in the nesting stage right now. I've washed windows, cleaned, rearranged a few things and mopped all of the floors. Bring on the baby I say!!

Last night I decided on one last splurge and bought her a pink infant carseat (after going to 5 stores!!). I just couldn't imagine using the green and blue one I already have. LOL Honestly, I have been very "cheap" this time. I haven't bought anything new. All of the clothes have come from resale shops and garage sales. I still had the pack and play from Isaac, and I got the moses basket and swing used from craigslist.....So, I figured I am entitled to one brand new thing for her :o)

Mike just went out to Loomis to get me a remote cable for the camera. Since everyone else gets into the delivery too much and forgets to take pictures, I guess it's up to me. Hahaha!

I probably won't update again until next week. I'm taking the laptop with me, so I'll probably post a quickie blog sometime Monday night when everyone leaves me. I never can sleep well and that newborn channel gets old pretty quickly :o)


  1. Good luck and easy labor dust! I can't believe that it is finally time! Will be looking forward to the pics!

  2. Good luck! How exciting it is to meet a brand new baby, especially when it's your own. I'm so thrilled for you. I hope all goes well and can't wait to see the photos. Congrats Tracy!
