
Will you have me?

This is Isaac's new way of asking someone to hold him or pick him up - "Will you have me"? It's soooo stinkin' cute!! I love to hear him say it. You just can't say no to that sweet little face.

I went to a garage sale this morning with Rachel (the preggo Aunt). She found some gender neutral things and I got 2 outfits for our baby and a few cute onesies. I can't wait until garage sale season is in full swing!! Today was only the beginning :o)

We went to visit my Gramma today and Isaac 'helped' Papa Ray outside in the greenhouse. They shoveled some dirt, checked the plants and walked around the yard. Papa always comes in and says "That boy wears me out". Yeah, Isaac has a way of doing that.

Brandon had a zoo trip for school today. He said it was boring because most of the exhibits were under construction. He also didn't like it because they gave them some worksheets to do while they were there ;o)

Ethan and Haylee will both have their artwork displayed at an art show on Saturday. That is exciting, especially for Ethan since he really dislikes art class for some odd reason.

Tomorrow is another OB/GYN appointment....Yippeee....can you sense my sarcasm? They are pretty boring and pointless at this stage. But I'll be the good patient and spend $10 in gas to go pee in a cup, tell the doc that I feel fine, and then drive back home. LOL

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