
Sunny Days

It was a beautiful week here! Mike was out of work due to some back pain so he was home all week too and we spent alot of time outside. I think we ate outside on the picnic table at least once every day. I LOVE Spring! Too bad next week's weather doesn't look so great. Upper 40's for the high's - what is that about??

Anyways, we did some yard work and some power washing. I love the smell of cut grass! I also lined the flower garden with rocks that we found in the field next to us. I overdid it and had a couple of painful days after that. Of course I got alot of "I told you so's" from Mike, and my Mom says I need to "act like I'm pregnant" LOL....but hey, my yard looks good right now :o)

Isaac is taller this year and he has taken over Ethan's power wheels 4-wheeler. He just turned 2 in January but he can steer it perfectly and he knows how/when to reverse and back up. I think we'll need to invest in another one or hopefully find one at a garage sale. When Ethan gets on it, Isaac runs behind him the whole time, crying "my ride, my ride!!"

Isaac is definitely the out-door-sy one. Is that a word? From the moment he wakes up he is asking to go 'outlide'. I can hardly get him to stop playing long enough to eat and if we have to go in for awhile it's a dramatic crying scene. He has been more difficult about laying down for a nap too. I am not ready for him to stop napping yet!! LOL But honestly, he still NEEDS a nap. If he doesn't take one around 1pm then he wants to fall asleep around 6-7pm and that's not going to work out well.

Our next big step is potty training. It would be nice to have him out of diapers by August when the baby arrives. But, we'll see how it goes.

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