
Now for the big news.....

We found out right before Christmas that we are having another baby! It was a big surprise but we are looking forward to having another newborn in the house. The due date is August 16th....Here is baby #5 at 12 weeks:

Jan 024

This is me at 14 weeks:


When we told the kids, Brandon said he was moving out ;o) Haylee was excited. Ethan was upset because he thought we meant that I was going to the hospital RIGHT THEN. LOL Once we explained to him that it would be a few months, he was ok and happy. Haylee started praying for a sister right away and of course the boys were wishing for another boy.

The 18 week ultrasound was on March 20th. The tech measured everything and said that the baby looked good. When she suddenly turned the machine off, I was surprised that she hadn't asked if we wanted to know the sex. Doesn't almost everyone want to know that?? So, I asked her if she had seen it...She looked at Haylee, Mike and Ethan and asked if any of them would be disappointed in the answer. I told her that Haylee might be and she smiled and said, "No, she won't be - it's definitely a GIRL".

I couldn't stop a few tears from slipping out. Then I looked over and saw my big strong husband wiping tears away from his eyes too. I think we were just sooo happy to know that Haylee would finally get the sister she has wanted for so long. They'll be 8 years apart but that's ok :o) I have to admit, I really wanted a girl too. After 2 boys in a row, I am ready for pink ruffles and bows again.

Here is a picture of our second daughter at 18 weeks. I can hardly wait to meet her!!


1 comment:

  1. Second daughter-that sounds like such a foreign term to me! Congrats again Tracy!
