
A plug for the big guy upstairs!

Just wanted to tell a little story about my Gramma while I'm thinking about it.

About 9 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer...It was pretty much as bad as it gets. She had known that she had a lump for about 6 years before the doctors found it but she's stubborn and refused to tell anyone. It was so bad that a large sore/scab had formed on the OUTSIDE of her breast.

She had a partial mastectomy, chemo and radiation. She lost all of her hair and felt sick often but rarely missed church and still went on her mall shopping sprees occasionally. Only a few short months after the diagnosis, she was back to work cleaning houses (she has her own cleaning business).

In 2005, she found out the cancer had returned. They found it in some of the bones around her neck area....bone cancer - not a good thing to hear. So, again she had radiation but opted for no other treatment. She was declared cancer free again a couple of months later. Her doctor was still not very optimistic, but when he told her she had 7 years left at the MOST, she just smiled and said "You apparently don't know the God I serve".

Now it has been almost another 4 years. She had a PET scan done last month which would show any cancer in the whole body. Her doctor called her and asked her to come in to talk to him about the results.

He told her that there was something there....but they couldn't decide if it was worrisome or not so they wanted her to see a surgeon to double check. Of course we all started praying and fasting. When she went to see him he ran more tests and told her that he couldn't find anything!! He also said, "From looking at your history, you should not be alive....But you come into my office and you are strong and healthy. You are a walking miracle".

God has been so good to our family. My Mom has also had cancer twice and went through it better than most, even without chemo OR radiation! They both have a wonderful story to tell, but most importantly, they both serve the same God, and he continues to keep them under his wing.

Thanks Lord!!

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