
I'm Tired...

I guess this will be a whiney post. Can I call it "venting" so it doesn't sound so bad?

I am tired...tired and a lil' bit overwhelmed. Mike has been working some extra hours and I can tell that I have been on my own with the kids more lately. I have to play the good Mommy role but geez, I am just plain crabby inside! LOL I need a vacation!!

I love my kids to pieces, and Elyssa is really a pretty good baby, but I am WORN OUT lately. I need to start taking the prenatal vitamins again to get some energy back. I hate feeling "blah" all the time. Most days I can't wait for night so I can go to sleep, but then I sit here instead because everyone else is asleep and I can enjoy the peaceful house. It's a rediculous pattern that I KNOW is not good for me!

Add to that, in the past 2 months, I have had 2 LONG colds and some type of weird flu thing too. That hasn't helped anything.

I just wish I could go to sleep one night and not wake up until my body is READY to wake up....Instead of waking up to an alarm blaring or "MOM! I'm hungry!".

It's all part of the life with 5 kids, I know that...and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I am just having one of those days I guess. And on top of everything else, I have these moments and then feel terribly guilty for not feeling that "motherly bliss" at all times.

Oh well...I do hear my bed calling. I'll do the smart thing and answer it :o)

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