
No more spermies???

Yes, thats right, Mike had a vasectomy and has been officially delared sterile. I hate that word but it's the cold hard truth. No more babies for us. He called me while I was shopping last week to tell me this news. I felt that "not so good" feeling in the pit of my stomach when he said the words. I knew I'd be a little sad but I wasn't expecting it to be THAT emotional.

I guess maybe it's because I've been having babies since I was SIXTEEN! It has been the center of my life for the last 17 years! Now, I am leaving that part of my life behind forever and it's just....weird! Why is it so hard for me to give that up?

Anyways...Right after he told me, I started walking to the checkout line, fighting off the tears, and there was an older woman behind me. She start talking to Isaac and then the baby and asked how many kids I had. When I told her I have 5, she said in the sweetest southern voice, "Oooh honey, you are so lucky...so blessed to have 5 beautiful healthy children! That is just wonderful!".

For a minute I thought how strange it was for her to say that. Usually when I tell people I have 5 kids, I get comments like, "Oh you poor thing" or "My goodness, how do you handle that?". Then there's the oh so popular, "Are you CRAZY!?". LOL

But on that day, God sent me that sweet little old woman to remind me that even if I never have another baby...I am already BLESSED!!!


  1. That old woman didn't happen to have her hair dyed a reddish color did she?

  2. I just read this one and my eyes teared up. I know that feeling of hearing the news from hubby. But I also know the feeling of having God send someone to remind you of your blessings. You are lucky Tracy! Blessed with a wonderful family! Hugs to you!
