
Will you have me?

This is Isaac's new way of asking someone to hold him or pick him up - "Will you have me"? It's soooo stinkin' cute!! I love to hear him say it. You just can't say no to that sweet little face.

I went to a garage sale this morning with Rachel (the preggo Aunt). She found some gender neutral things and I got 2 outfits for our baby and a few cute onesies. I can't wait until garage sale season is in full swing!! Today was only the beginning :o)

We went to visit my Gramma today and Isaac 'helped' Papa Ray outside in the greenhouse. They shoveled some dirt, checked the plants and walked around the yard. Papa always comes in and says "That boy wears me out". Yeah, Isaac has a way of doing that.

Brandon had a zoo trip for school today. He said it was boring because most of the exhibits were under construction. He also didn't like it because they gave them some worksheets to do while they were there ;o)

Ethan and Haylee will both have their artwork displayed at an art show on Saturday. That is exciting, especially for Ethan since he really dislikes art class for some odd reason.

Tomorrow is another OB/GYN appointment....Yippeee....can you sense my sarcasm? They are pretty boring and pointless at this stage. But I'll be the good patient and spend $10 in gas to go pee in a cup, tell the doc that I feel fine, and then drive back home. LOL



No, not me....well, I am too but this post isn't about me :o)

My Aunt found out this morning that she is pregnant with her first baby! She is 35 and they only tried for one month. I am beyond excited because we grew up like sisters and I always thought it would be so great to be pregnant together. Finally, we get to do that - even though I only have 3 months left.

This morning I woke up to my alarm and then dozed off for a few minutes and in that time, I dreamed that she came to me with a PG test and told me it was negative. So I held it up near a window and said "No, it's POSITIVE!! It's just very light!!". I woke up sad when I realized it was a dream but about 10 minutes later she called me crying and said "Trace, I think I see a line!"....I said "I think you see one too because I just dreamed it a few minutes ago!" LOL

Of course I had to rush to her house to see the line for myself :o)

She will be due January 6th according to the online due date calculators. Our babies will only be 5 months apart, yay!!!

Congrats Rachel & Josh!!


Sunny Days

It was a beautiful week here! Mike was out of work due to some back pain so he was home all week too and we spent alot of time outside. I think we ate outside on the picnic table at least once every day. I LOVE Spring! Too bad next week's weather doesn't look so great. Upper 40's for the high's - what is that about??

Anyways, we did some yard work and some power washing. I love the smell of cut grass! I also lined the flower garden with rocks that we found in the field next to us. I overdid it and had a couple of painful days after that. Of course I got alot of "I told you so's" from Mike, and my Mom says I need to "act like I'm pregnant" LOL....but hey, my yard looks good right now :o)

Isaac is taller this year and he has taken over Ethan's power wheels 4-wheeler. He just turned 2 in January but he can steer it perfectly and he knows how/when to reverse and back up. I think we'll need to invest in another one or hopefully find one at a garage sale. When Ethan gets on it, Isaac runs behind him the whole time, crying "my ride, my ride!!"

Isaac is definitely the out-door-sy one. Is that a word? From the moment he wakes up he is asking to go 'outlide'. I can hardly get him to stop playing long enough to eat and if we have to go in for awhile it's a dramatic crying scene. He has been more difficult about laying down for a nap too. I am not ready for him to stop napping yet!! LOL But honestly, he still NEEDS a nap. If he doesn't take one around 1pm then he wants to fall asleep around 6-7pm and that's not going to work out well.

Our next big step is potty training. It would be nice to have him out of diapers by August when the baby arrives. But, we'll see how it goes.


The Baby Girl

A few weeks ago I was worried because I was hardly feeling any movement from this baby. She is still a light kicker and during the day when Im moving around I don't really notice anything going on. Mike and the kids have not been able to feel anything on the outside yet....but this morning I woke up at 4:30am and there was a party going on in there! I could feel her rolling and kicking and some small lumpy body parts pushing outward on my belly. Quite shocking compared to her usual light taps and thumps! Of course, I stayed awake to enjoy the moment. It went on for probably 20 minutes before she settled down again. Now I am wondering if she just sleeps all day and parties all night :o) A sign of things to come? Let's hope not!!

This picture is from last week at 22 weeks. I am now 23 1/2 weeks. We're getting there, but August still seems like so far away!!

The Weekend

Saturday was pretty boring. I had expired tags so we couldn't go anywhere :o( But Mike grilled chicken and we had a picnic outside and did a bit of yard work while the kids played.

My Grammy ended up back at the doctors that day. She had her bladder "sling" put in on Tuesday and came home Thursday. By Saturday afternoon her tummy was huge and painful and she realized she hadn't peed in almost 24 hours! They gave her a catheter at the office that evening and drained 2 1/2 bags of urine! Yikes!!

Anyways, we went to her house for a visit on Sunday (I risked the expired tags since she lives 2 minutes down the road) and she was feeling much better but still sore from the incision. Isaac convinced my 70 year old Pappy to play with him and they went off looking for frogs (for some reason men are total suckers for Isaac). Ethan and Haylee joined them eventually and they found a frog in the ditch so they were watching him hop and swim. Me and my Gramma were sitting on the porch swing and it wasn't long before I heard a splash....I jumped up to see Ethan climbing out of the ditch, covered in water and mud - literally from head to toe! Ooops! That was my cue to go home - With Ethan sitting on a garbage bag LOL


Happy Birthday to me!!

Today I turned 33. No biggie, I lived thru it....This morning before school, I knew Ethan and Haylee were up to something. Before Haylee got on the bus, they gave me some homemade cards, some leftover Easter candy wrapped in a paper heart that Haylee cut out, and a box filled with things from their rooms. Just what I always wanted...Mickey Mouse books and baby doll clothes. LOL! Those are gifts I won't forget anytime soon :o) But very sweet and thoughtful of them!

Since everyone else was at school/work, I took Ethan and Isaac to Burger King for breakfast. Then we went to visit Gramma Cadle at the hospital. She had surgery on her bladder...something about it "falling" and needing lifted again. I don't know the details but she did well and she was harrassing the nurses about wanting to go home already. Typical Gramma - Now we have to try to keep her from going back to work too soon because she is stubborn and won't listen to the doctors orders.

After that I took the boys to Ely square to blow some bubbles and enjoy the weather. it wasn't long before there was a small crowd of children around us. You'd think they had never seen bubbles before. LOL Isaac chased bubbles and fell flat on his face...TWICE! He now has scuffs and scrapes on his forehead, nose and above his lip. Poor little guy -

When Mike got home, they all made me birthday brownies, we rode the 4-wheeler and played outside with the kiddos. Mike and I will also be going out ALONE this weekend since we couldn't do anything exciting on a work/school day. That will be the first time in months that we've done anything without the kids. Yippeee!

A "33" picture from today -


Sunday Ramblings....

Nothing too exciting going on for us. My Mom called this morning to see if we all wanted to come over for dinner after church. They ordered pizza and she also had gotten a small cake and some ice cream for my birthday (which isn't until Wednesday). I told her I was trying to ignore this birthday - You know the old saying "Ignore it and it'll go away"? LOL I guess that doesn't always work. Thirty three is on it's way whether I like it or not....blah!!

Anyways, I am so amazed at the relationship between my Dad and Isaac. They have really become pals over the past few months and Isaac has somehow managed to turn my big tough Daddy into a true "papaw". My Dad had picked up a peg perego 4 wheeler from someone last summer but he never could get it working for Isaac. So, today he tied a rope on the front of it and pulled Isaac around outside, by hand! They also rode the 4-wheeler and then my Dad followed him around while he rode his trike. I never thought I'd see the day that my Dad would turn into a softie for a child. He carries Isaac around the whole time we're there, feeds him, plays with him....Can you say SPOILED??....but it's a beautiful thing to see. Isaac LOVES to go see his Pappy!!

I don't really have much more to say. Oh I did buy a few outfits on ebay for the baby! Yay!!! I paid a whole $11 for 8 outfits (including shipping!!) - and 3 or 4 of those were brand new with tags Carters outfits!! I definitely got a deal and I can't wait to get it all!


The Repeater....

Isaac is driving me nuts with his repeating. He says the same sentence or question about 20 times in a row. Yesterday we were at Goodwill and he would not stop asking, "Go home now? We go home now? MOMMY!! Go home now?". People were starting to look annoyed. I went into the dressing room to try something on and I tried to reason with him :o) I told him he is too loud and needs to stop saying that and be quieter. So he whispers loudly 'MOM'....I say what and he whispers "We go home now? go home now?". I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at that point.

Then we get home and while I was cooking french toast, he stood there and asked about 30 times, "Is that mine Mom? That mine? Is that mine?". No matter how many times I answer, he still keeps asking. AAAAHHHHH!!

This morning Mike got his turn. Isaac sat on his lap for a good 15 minutes with a picture of his little cousin Joey and asked Mike, "Is that Jojo? Is that Jojo? Ooh Jojo, is that Jojo"........over and over and over and over. LOL

We'll look back at this phase and laugh someday, RIGHT??


Now for the big news.....

We found out right before Christmas that we are having another baby! It was a big surprise but we are looking forward to having another newborn in the house. The due date is August 16th....Here is baby #5 at 12 weeks:

Jan 024

This is me at 14 weeks:


When we told the kids, Brandon said he was moving out ;o) Haylee was excited. Ethan was upset because he thought we meant that I was going to the hospital RIGHT THEN. LOL Once we explained to him that it would be a few months, he was ok and happy. Haylee started praying for a sister right away and of course the boys were wishing for another boy.

The 18 week ultrasound was on March 20th. The tech measured everything and said that the baby looked good. When she suddenly turned the machine off, I was surprised that she hadn't asked if we wanted to know the sex. Doesn't almost everyone want to know that?? So, I asked her if she had seen it...She looked at Haylee, Mike and Ethan and asked if any of them would be disappointed in the answer. I told her that Haylee might be and she smiled and said, "No, she won't be - it's definitely a GIRL".

I couldn't stop a few tears from slipping out. Then I looked over and saw my big strong husband wiping tears away from his eyes too. I think we were just sooo happy to know that Haylee would finally get the sister she has wanted for so long. They'll be 8 years apart but that's ok :o) I have to admit, I really wanted a girl too. After 2 boys in a row, I am ready for pink ruffles and bows again.

Here is a picture of our second daughter at 18 weeks. I can hardly wait to meet her!!


I'm baaaack!!

So, I guess it's been awhile? I haven't posted on here since October of last year!

Well, Christmas was great but thank God it is finally SPRING!! We are enjoying the warmer weather and, since the kids were out of school today, we had our first cookout/picnic today. That is one of my favorite things to do in the warm months, especially since Mike cooks :o) Something about the Spring weather makes me feel so relaxed and peaceful.

After reading my last post, I feel the need to say that yes, Brandon DID finally pass his driving test. LOL He got his license on October 31st - Halloween

We are off to church....will update more tonight.