
New Year - 2011

Happy New Year and once again, it's been too long since I've blogged here. Christmas was good. Mike surprised me with a couple of things I wasn't expecting.  A nice change from "take some money and go shopping for yourself".....although THAT is fun too :o)

Christmas Even was special this year. We had alot of family and friends at my Moms church for our Christmas Eve dinner. Even Santa showed up! We took a few minutes to recognize family members who have passed on recently, and lit a candle for each one. I hope we do that every year now.

The kids got way too much as always, but they are blessed with so many loving family members. Netbooks, a PSP, guitars, dolls, Wii games, legos, roller blades, BB guns and more - filling up this already cluttered house.

New Years Eve we went to the outdoor shop and then played some Monopoly and Wii to pass the time until Midnight. Isaac didn't quite understand it all. After the ball fell, we screamed, kissed, blew our loud squawkers, drank our juice....and 10 minutes later he asked, "When is that ball gonna fall so I can drink my juice?". That little guy cracks me up sometimes.

So, it's 2011 and I must admit (again) to being a slacker lately with my bible reading and prayer. Time just slips away so quickly and when I get a few free moments at night, I usually sit down with my computer and catch up on emails, facebook, blog reading, etc....

This morning I woke up and my first thought was that I wanted to read my bible. It was an excited, urgent feeling. Then I wondered where to start and instantly "Ruth" popped into my head. I figured there must be something to learn from Ruth. So, I woke the kids for their first day back to school, made myself a cup of coffee and sat down with a blanket and my bible. Of course Elyssa, who normally wakes up around 8:30am, woke up today before 7am. Minor setback, but I still got to read the entire book of Ruth while she snuggled with me and watched TV.

I'm not exactly sure what I've learned from this woman named Ruth. Maybe that she was loyal and loving no matter what? Something I have struggled with lately - having a bad, selfish, angry "why me" attitude......Or maybe it has reminded me that I need to be more supportive of family members who are alone. In the past few days I have felt some guilt over my husbands sister.  She never married, she is in her 50's and lives alone. She lost her Father and sister within 30 days of one another, 2 years ago. Since then she has really gotten more involved in our kids' lives, because basically, we're all she has left. Her other 2 brothers really don't care to talk to anyone and the extended family is not around much either. She goes overboard buying our kids Christmas and birthday gifts, she watches them for me to shop or for us to get a night out. Sometimes she just offers to take them to dinner and a movie.....and I have not let her know what that means to me. In fact, her birthday was december 29th and I got busy, had a bad day, and never even got around to calling her. So, maybe the book of Ruth has showed me that I need to send her an email, or give her a call and tell her how much I appreciate her.

Anyways, it's a new year and I hope that this renewed desire to read my bible sticks around. I want to be the best christian/person/wife/mother that I can be in 2011!


  1. You're awesome, Tracy! Loved the insight in this post. Wish you'd blog more! I plan to get my blog made into books, one for every year, so the kids have a record of their childhood and little bit of me to hold onto after I'm gone. I bet yours would love that too!

  2. Thanks Kate LOL I wish I blogged more but sometimes I just go blank, or forget about it for awhile. LOL I love going back through and reading it sometimes though. Thats a good idea for the kids.
