
The good, the sad and the ugly.....

Lots of random thoughts from this weekend, some good and some not so good.

Evan came home to visit. He left for Marine bootcamp in August and due to some health issues, he finished late. It was an amazing feeling to open my front door last Sunday and see him standing there in his Marine uniform. He has spent alot of time here over the last few years and I've always said he was my "other son". Saturday evening was his bootcamp graduation party. So very sad to see him leave again, but he is going to be great. He's such a great kid, despite having a rough family life.....We bought him a marine bible with his name printed on the front. Something he may not appreciate fully right now, but I hope he does someday :o)

My girl Haylee, I'm so proud of her....at Evan's party she sang karaoke and blew everyone away. We come from a long line of singers/musicians and I'm so glad that talent has been passed down to her, and even more importantly, that she is brave enough to show her gift....unlike me! She has sang at my Moms church and just recently, our youth leader asked if she would sing a song during offering in their kids church. There's no better feeling than knowing my child has a great talent AND she's using it for Jesus!! Go Haylee!!

On to Sunday - We got together with some friends and family and went tubing with the 4 wheelers. It felt good to just goof off and be a kid again!

And then came Monday - Sick sick sick!! I woke up at 5:30am with a crampy stomach and ended up with some kind of tummy bug. I am glad the kids didn't have school that day. Ethan was a great help and kept Elyssa's messes picked up. Mike picked up Haylee from Janell's house and brought home some dinner for everyone. Thank God for my family :o)

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