
More boo-boos

Have I ever mentioned how ummm...."energetic" Isaac is? As soon as his eyes pop open in the morning, he is WIDE awake and ready to start the day. I am soooooo not a morning person!! He gets that from his Daddy!

Anyways, about 3 months ago, he thought he would help Elyssa down our 3 steps to the back door. I was in the basement getting laundry when I heard the dreaded thud, followed by screaming. This resulted in Elyssa's 1st emergency room visit and x-ray. The diagnosis? A broken collar bone! Ugggh!

So on to more recent boo-boos. We were out shopping on Friday and Elyssa was buckled safely in the shopping cart with Isaac walking next to it....You see where I'm going with this right? Just when I turned to pay for my items, the cashier put his hand to his mouth and said "Oh noooo" - Before I even saw what was happening, I again heard that very distinguishable THUD, followed by screaming. My very energetic Isaac had jumped onto the side rail (down by the wheels) of the cart and flipped it. Poor Elyssa now has a nasty bruise on her forehead but doesn't seem too traumatized...unlike her Mommy, who now has shopping cart-phobia.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no. How scary! I never knew about the collar bone. Good thing little kids are so dang durable, eh?
