
It's Snuggle Week

This is the week that Mike works 11pm to 7am....So, this is the week that my sweet snuggly girl sleeps with me all night. Ok honestly, she sleeps with US most nights anyways, but I do enjoy that one week a month that we have the bed to ourselves. Mike tosses and turns all night, gets up to go to the bathroom at least once, snores....You get the idea.

Anyways, I have been reading my Eclipse book every night since I got it for Christmas. So now Elyssa always brings her own book to bed and she always waits for me to pick up mine from under the bed. It's so cute, and she hardly "reads" for a minute before she starts wiggling over to me and before I know it, she's nestled under my arm and lost in dreamland.

Last night after she went to sleep, I snuck back in here...to the computer of course! I was reading someones blog and you know - one blogs leads to another. Somehow I found myself on the blog of a Mother who lost her baby girl, Maddie, at about the same age that Elyssa is now. I sat and read her blog for close to an hour. Google Maddie Spohr, this little girl had an amazing smile! As I went back to bed and looked at my sweet sleeping pink-cheeked girl, I was reminded once again that my children are gifts. I didn't deserve them, I am not worthy...maybe not even fully capable of the job God has given me. So many people are not so blessed, and yet we often take our kids for granted. Thank you God for reminding me what really matters in life!

As for my day, I finally got the computer room cleaned. It wasn't as bad as I expected and looks pretty darn good :o) Tomorrow, more laundry and some grocery shopping.

Oh, I also decided to get more serious with some preschool learning for Isaac. He is definitely my most difficult child to teach so I admit I tend to put things off due to my own lack of patience :o( But tonight he surprised me with what he already knows. He easily pointed out A, B, C, D and E but I stopped after E. Didn't want to push it :o) I wrote his name and he wrote it by himself underneath mine. He did mazes in the activity book and had no problem matching pictures to their "shadows" on the other side. My wee man might be mentally ready for this stuff now. LOL He will go to school late due to his birthday so he doesn't go until the Fall of 2011, but I might actually put him in a VERY part time preschool this coming Fall. I've never done the preschool thing, but I think for Isaac, it'll really help prepare him for Kindergarden...mainly the structured setting, sitting down, being quiet, listening, etc. I hope his Kindergarden teacher is ready for him! LOL

Speaking of my sleeping beauty....This is from today, napping with a build-a-bear panda, which is actually HAYLEE's but Elyssa stole it a couple of months ago and won't give it back LOL

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