
The Day Before Tomorrow

Good morning! Long weekend and I spent most of it at home doing nothing of importance. Mike worked 24 hours of overtime last week, including 12 hours Saturday so I went to church Sunday and then spent the rest of the day watching movies, watching him play Lego Indiana Jones with the boys, and just relaxing with him. He's working hard to get us out of what I call the "after Christmas hole" LOL I feel bad that he is working so much but the overtime doesn't usually last for too long and it's a huge blessing for us right now.

So this morning its back to school after a 4 day weekend for Haylee and Ethan. Like a bad Mom, I fed Isaac and Elyssa some instant oatmeal and plopped them on the couch to watch some TV...Nothin' like a little mickey in the morning to grant Mommy a few minutes of peace. I can hear them both singing the "hot dog" song. Though Elyssa sounds more like "hotdough, hotdough".

Tomorrow my Isaac turns FOUR years old and I find myself wondering what I was doing on this day 4 years ago. It was a Thursday and I was packing my bag. I knew I was being induced the next morning but thats me, a procrastinator all the way! I remember packing up the soft blue crocheted blanket my Mom had made, the little blue knotted hats and tiny blue socks. I spent the day TRYING to enjoy those last kicks and punches inside my belly. He was going to be our last baby (haha) so I wanted to remember those moments....but all the trying in the world didn't help. I really just wanted him OUT!! I was so umcomfortable, my ribs hurts, it hurt to walk, and I was DONE! I wanted to meet my little Isaac.

The next day I found out why I so umcomfortable. My little boy was 9lbs 7oz and was born battered and bruised but healthy! To be honest, my first thought was "Wow, why does he look like that?" LOL His ears were smashed flat against his head and his little nose was terribly crooked.

The picture below makes me laugh everytime...Especially now because I noticed that I named this picture "YIKES". Oh my gosh, I am a HORRIBLE horrible Mother (said as I am still laughing). My poor child, but seriously, how can you not giggle a bit when you look at that!?

This one wasn't too bad....

And thankfully, after several hours, he turned into THIS beautiful little thing :o)

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