

Sometimes I just can't think of a nifty title so I'll just put the date up there instead :o)

Ethan, Isaac and Elyssa were so sick last week. I'm tired :o) It's hard to take care of everyone. Elyssa and Ethan slept so much and the fevers were out of control. Baby girl was sooooo whiney, and today is really the first day that she seemed back to normal again.

She also fell backward in her Barbie chair and cut her head open, on the day we were having a snowstorm of course!! After calling the nurse, we decided that she would probably be ok without stitches. These little people just enjoy keeping me on my toes!

I think I'll be signing Elyssa up for preschool next Fall. The same one that Isaac goes to, which is only one day a week for 2 hours. By then Isaac will be in Kindergarden, and that means that while she is there, I'll have two whole hours to get some things done....errands, shopping, etc. It's strange but the thought of that almost scares me. When I actually get to venture out without kids, I always feel like something is missing. I suppose I will get used to it - and I'll probably get alot more done without the little Miss needing to go potty every 10 minutes :o)

In other news, Saturday I went with Rachel and Josh for her 4D ultrasound. The baby wasn't too thrilled about it so she kept her feet up in front of her face most of the time...Hard to believe she will be having another baby girl in April or May!! Our family has been so blessed with healthy children.

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