
Not the best week ever

Last week we had a little blip in our Disney trip. It turns out cousin Rhonda can't get us into DisneyWorld for free. Not in April anyway.....so we had to make a decision: Postpone the trip or go anyways and pay to get in. Getting 7 people into Disneyworld is close to $500 :o(  Postponing the trip would mean waiting until NEXT year. We all agree that we don't want to go during the summertime because we are big babies about the extreme heat, plus that is the rainy/hurricane season and we don't want to risk the weather being bad while we're there either. Soooo, we've decided to go ahead and go in April, as planned. We will have to pay to get in, but right after we found that out, Mike also found out he's getting a bonus from work in April and that will cover it all!! So, God worked it out. Rhonda also found out that she CAN get us into Hollywood Studios for free, so that is something we'll be able to do on another day while we're there! That looks like something the kids will really enjoy!

I finished the wedding pictures and sent the bride thelink for viewing them. Apparently I forgot to take a picture of someone....the bride's sister-in-law. She is in a couple of the pictures in the background, but none of the posed family pictures. I had a bad vibe about doing this wedding and the bride and groom didn't seem very friendly. I really need to listen to that little voice in my head! But, I told them from the start that I don't know anyone when I do a wedding, so they need to be sure that they tell me who needs to be in the posed pictures and who goes with what family, etc.....I had no idea that this woman was even the brothers wife.....Ugggh! Anyways, I told her I would check my pictures again to make sure I didn't miss one with her in it, but there just aren't any. We'll see what she says now. Hopefully this doesn't ruin my future photography career ;o)


Weddings and a moment missed

I did a wedding on Saturday. Why is it that the men at weddings make me a nervous wreck?? They always act like they can't stand having to be in the pictures. I hate doing weddings, but that seems to be what I get booked for all the time....I haven't even looked through the pictures yet. Hopefully I got some decent ones but my nerves were shot.

And that is what I did all day, instead of going to see my daughter sing at the college with the Lorain County Honors Choir. What a horrible Mom.....I felt awful about it but I didn't know the date for it until a week ago and I had already booked the wedding. Mike went to see her sing, and my Mom and Dad. I'm ordering the DVD and hopefully that will help to redeem me.



It's almost time!! On April 22nd we leave for the LONG drive to Disneyworld. I never thought I would ever be able to take my kids to Disney. But Mike's cousin Rhonda lives near there and out of the blue she emailed me with an offer we couldn't refuse: a stay at her house, and getting all 7 of us into Disneyworld for free! This is awesome considering I've only met Rhonda one short time about 7 years ago. What a blessing she is!

So, our biggest expense will be renting a bigger van for the week. I am SO excited.....Honestly, I think I am more excited than the kids. We're going to see the Toy Story characters that I love, and the Princesses and most importantly, we'll see this famous guy:

It's unfortunate that Elyssa is only 2 and probably won't remember the trip at all, but she'll relive it someday through pictures...And knowing me, there will be ALOT of pictures! :o)



Sometimes I just can't think of a nifty title so I'll just put the date up there instead :o)

Ethan, Isaac and Elyssa were so sick last week. I'm tired :o) It's hard to take care of everyone. Elyssa and Ethan slept so much and the fevers were out of control. Baby girl was sooooo whiney, and today is really the first day that she seemed back to normal again.

She also fell backward in her Barbie chair and cut her head open, on the day we were having a snowstorm of course!! After calling the nurse, we decided that she would probably be ok without stitches. These little people just enjoy keeping me on my toes!

I think I'll be signing Elyssa up for preschool next Fall. The same one that Isaac goes to, which is only one day a week for 2 hours. By then Isaac will be in Kindergarden, and that means that while she is there, I'll have two whole hours to get some things done....errands, shopping, etc. It's strange but the thought of that almost scares me. When I actually get to venture out without kids, I always feel like something is missing. I suppose I will get used to it - and I'll probably get alot more done without the little Miss needing to go potty every 10 minutes :o)

In other news, Saturday I went with Rachel and Josh for her 4D ultrasound. The baby wasn't too thrilled about it so she kept her feet up in front of her face most of the time...Hard to believe she will be having another baby girl in April or May!! Our family has been so blessed with healthy children.