
The weekend

Was busy!! Friday night I went with Isaac and Ethan to Mother/Son game night at school. We ate, played games and won tickets for prizes. Big fun! Daddy kept the girls and they watched a movie and made cookies together :o)

Saturday was Fall family work day at the Payne house. We raked ALOT of leaves, cleaned out gutters and put the outdoor toys away. Of course like every year, the kids got to jump in the huge pile of leaves after the hard work was over. Our neighbor (Charlie Brown) walked over with some bags of candy that he and his wife made for the kids. We've only been here for 3 months now but I really LOVE our neighbors so far. They've all been very friendly!

Today we went to church and then to Gloria's to help her with some things. She took us out to dinner, which was greatly appreciated! She also gave us alot of her old Christmas lights and decorations. She wanted her garage emptied and we lost most of our Christmas stuff in the damp basement at the old house, so it worked out well for all of us. Now I cant wait to put the lights up outside, but that will have to wait until after Thanksgiving, to stick with tradition.

Me and Mike also tried to hang a new basement door tonight. It's up there, but I'm not fully convinced that it will last for long. I'm not so sure this DIY stuff is gonna work for us ;o)

Pictures soon from this weekend!

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