
Happy Birthday!!

Two years ago I was pregnant with Elyssa and not yet knowing whether she was girl or a boy. I found out she was a girl in late March of that year. A little over a month later, my Aunt Rachel found out that at age 35, she was pregnant with her first baby. Since we had grown up in the same house and were very close, we hoped that she would also have a girl.

When I was 7 months pregnant, my cousin Janell found out that SHE too, was pregnant.

Three days before I had Elyssa, Rachel found out that she was indeed having a baby girl....and then about 2 months later, Janell found out that she would also be having a girl.

Elyssa was born in August of 2008, Samara was born that December, and Ava was born in February of 2009. They are the baby girl trio.

Today, the last of the trio had her 1st birthday party. Little Ava Nell - Named after her Great Gramma Nell who died unexpectedly 2 hours after her birth. It's so hard to believe that she is already one and Elyssa is heading for TWO!

We have been blessed with 3 healthy, beautiful, wonderfully perfect little girls.

Happy Birthday Ava Nell!!

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