
Its almost time!!

Our Florida trip is quickly approaching! I keep waiting for that "thing" to happen. Ya know, that unexpected thing that will ruin the trip and make us have to cancel the whole thing. But I'm trying to stay optimistic :o)

I'm nervous about leaving. I can't really explain why. I guess it's just because we haven't gone on any REAL vacations. The only things we've done were quick trips - camping for 2 days or Niagara Falls for a weekend. This is so much farther, and longer.

But I hope it's the trip of our lives! One that the kids will never forget. I know Elyssa won't remember it, but hopefully the rest of them will. I am even excited about the long drive. I remember when I was a kid and we used to drive 9 hours to Tennessee. Everyone complained about the driving time but I loved it :o)

The big van is rented, and I will spend this whole week packing and figuring out what else we need....5 days and counting!

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