
Summertime Fun!!

It's officially Summer and I'm loving it. I have never been a very scheduled person, so this is the best 3 months of the year for me. No alarm setting or getting up early, no having to rush home from somewhere because the kids will be getting off the bus, no Girl Scouts or other school events. It's just a beautiful thing :o)

With Mike working the hours that he does, I'm usually on my own with the kids or we meet up with other family/friends. So far we have been to the drive-in, the beach, the sprinkler park, various playgrounds....and spent many days lazing in our own swimming pool. In August Mike will take his week long vacation so we're trying to think of something fun to go and do with the kids. I'm sure we'll hit the zoo at some point also.

For me, it's the little things that I remember most from when I was a child.....Catching lightening bugs in a jar, swimming, playing with our cats or dogs, catching baby frogs, playing hide n seek, flying kites, making simple clubhouses. We used to play for hours on our swingset!! I have a strong desire to teach my children the same things. Fun doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive. Just appreciate what is around you in your own back yard.

About 3 weeks ago my kids were trying to make forts under the pine trees in our side yard. Of course I had to jump in and help :o) Before I knew it, Mike was out there with his chainsaw, removing a few pine branches to open up "doorways" to their houses. We then took the scrap branches and built a wall between the boy and girl areas. They took their camping chairs in there and a few toys. They even went into the farmers field and found rocks to make little pretend fire rings on each side.

One of my proud Mommy moments. I love to see them working and playing together!! I am looking forward to more Summer fun in the next 2 months!

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