
The Birthday Boy

The 25th was Ethan's 6th birthday! He went out with Daddy to shop for a toy and have lunch at Burger King. Haylee and I made him an oreo cake.

Today was his party. We decided to keep it small with just my parents and a few of his closest friends from church and school. He had a spongebob theme and his favorite dairy queen cake. Even though it rained off and on, we managed to keep the party outside under a big canopy and the kids still got to swim during dry periods. All in all, it went well. Ethan has one friend staying the night and right now it's 10:40pm and they are running around here dressed as spiderman and batman.

I spent all morning cleaning and washing floors but I am starting to realize that cleaning good before a kid party is pointless :o)

Pictures will be posted soon. I have to go now and get them to bed.



Ooops, it's been awhile again. Things are good here. The kids are out of school for the summer so life is hectic but we're all surviving. They've been swimming (when it's warm enough!) and having friends over alot.

Little Miss Ella June will be here in about 7 weeks. No, Mike has NOT agreed to that name yet but I'm still holding out hope. I've gained a total of 19lbs so far and I feel pretty good, other than a backache here and there. Her kicks and movements have gotten alot stronger. The kids like to watch my belly jump and move. yeah, I'm a freak show! ;o)

The photography biz has really picked up in the past month or so. I've had a wedding, a HUGE sweet 16 party, some children and a doggy shoot. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the editing but I think I'm getting there. I already have 2 things booked for NEXT year and a few things this Fall.

My Aunt Rachel is almost 12 weeks now. She has had 2 instances with spotting but she has seen the babe on ultrasound and hopefully she'll be able to hear the heartbeat next Thursday! We are having fun with the pregnancy/baby talk, garage sales and shopping. I wish we were having the babies closer together but a 5 month age difference won't be so bad. I hope she has a girl too!!

Since my last blog, Isaac has potty trained himself....mostly. He mastered the pee-pee thing in ONE day, with no help or pushing from us, but the poop issue has not been so easy. He is getting there, though!!

Ethan will be 6 in 4 days! Amazing how time flies!! Next year he'll be a first grader!!

I guess that's about it for my updating. Little Jo-jo turns 3 today so we are getting ready to go to his party.