
Isaac funnies

So apparently my breath stinks today. Trying to love on this boy and he tells me my breath stinks. I said, thanks a lot butt wiper.... and he said "well take away the wiper and that's what your breath smells like".

Thanks kid....LOL


Feeling Moody

I hate it when I'm tired,
When I'm not patient enough.
When I feel like I didn't do enough
Or didn't say the right thing.
I hate when I try to say I'm sorry and it always turns to tears.
I hate that even happy things make me cry.
I hate when I feel like I've hurt the people I love most.
I hate it when I come home on Friday nights and my kids have already gone to sleep.
I hate that people think I have it all together but I feel like a mess inside.
I hate that I worry too much.
I hate when I guilt myself about EVERYTHING I do, or don't do.
Lucky for me,  I serve a God who is perfect and mighty and powerful.
He heals my heart and in my darkest times, He brings my thoughts back to joy.
He delivers me from self destruction and comforts my soul.
He even forgives me when I struggle with forgiving myself.
And for THAT, I am forever thankful!


Easter 2014

We had a beautiful Easter day. Spent the morning at church and the afternoon at Gramma's house with all of the family. Thank you Lord for your sacrifice!

Spring has sprung

Elyssa picked me some "daisydils" today ��