
More Birthdays 2013

Elyssa’s 5th birthday party, from August 18th. My last baby is FIVE!? How did that happen. Love you sweet girl!!
We also had a small party for Brandon who turned 22! Big numbers! ;)
Elyssa’s 5th birthday party, from August 18th. My last baby is FIVE!? How did that happen. Love you sweet girl!! 

Tennessee Family

Got to spend an awesome day with some of our Tennessee family. Gina, Vickie, Glenna and Wilma. It was nice and I think Gram enjoyed her visit with them. A little sad that no one came to see them besides me and my Mom though. Sometimes I feel like our “big family” is growing smaller and smaller…..but praying they we all realize the importance of staying close and being there for each other.
Got to spend an awesome day with some of our Tennessee family. Gina, Vickie, Glenna and Wilma. It was nice and I think Gram enjoyed her visit with them. A little sad that no one came to see them besides me and my Mom though. Sometimes I feel like our “big family” is growing smaller and smaller…..but praying they we all realize the importance of staying close and being there for each other. 

Homeschooling! Fall 2013

I’ve spent the summer thinking, praying and feeling led to homeschool my children. They’ve just had a hard time since we moved them here two years ago. I never imagined that Mike would go for it, but I finally discussed it with him and he DID agree to try it. That’s a definite God thing :o)
So next week we embark on a new journey, using an online school. For now we’re just trying to enjoy the last bits of summer weather! 

Puppy Love

Lyssa fell asleep on the floor….and someone stole her blanket!!
Lyssa fell asleep on the floor….and someone stole her blanket lol

Ethans Birthday 2013

 Happy birthday Ethan. Hard to believe he’s 11 years old today! He’s so super smart and has a big heart. Tonight we had taco salad (his request) and brownies. We’ll be having a bonfire party on Saturday for him. Love you Ethan!!
Happy birthday Ethan. Hard to believe he’s 11 years old today! He’s so super smart and has a big heart. Tonight we had taco salad (his request) and brownies. We’ll be having a bonfire party on Saturday for him. Love you Ethan!!

Right Again :)

I was totally right about my brother and Toni. They are now engaged and getting married on October 5th. I’m so happy for them! I like her a lot and its great to see my brother in love again!

Update on Gramma Cadle

Grammas house, looking beautiful!! Will I ever have porch as awesome as this one? :o)
We visited her today. She’s so thin, so tired. I’m looking forward to the day that she feels better…..And looks better! Its hard to see her like this, but God is still with her, waiting to make His move! We have to hold onto that.
Grammas house, looking beautiful!! Will I ever have porch as awesome as this one? :o)
We visited her today. She’s so thin, so tired. I’m looking forward to the day that she feels better…..And looks better! Its hard to see her like this, but God is still with her, waiting to make His move! We have to hold onto that.

Sometimes ya just gotta laugh

Me: Were you in moms paint?
Elyssa: Nooo Mommy!
Me: Were you in moms paint? 
Elyssa: Nooo Mommy!

Berry Pickin'

We picked strawberries at my Moms last night, so Ethan and I are making strawberry Jam. It smells deeeelicious simmering on the stovetop!!
Summer break is in full swing….swimming, neighbor kids and evening bike rides. Tonight we’re expecting our first good thunderstorm of the season. Love it!! :o)
We picked berries at my Moms last night, so Ethan and I are making strawberry Jam. It smells deeeelicious simmering on the stovetop!! 
Summer break is in full swing….swimming, neighbor kids and evening bike rides. Tonight we’re expecting our first good thunderstorm of the season. Love it!! :o)

Summer Breeaaakk!!! 2013

Last day of school. The boys got hats for being excellent readers :o) I’m looking forward to 3 months of de-stressing. No more bad influences, bullies or long bus rides. Just family time, lazy days and swimming! They all needed a break badly.
Last day of school. The boys got hats for being excellent readers :o) I’m looking forward to 3 months of de-stressing. No more bad influences, bullies or long bus rides. Just family time, lazy days and swimming! They all needed a break badly.

Just a lil Isaac

A lil something about Isaac…he’s so over the top with his emotions. When he cries, he cries hard….when he hurts, he hurts deeply…when he gets excited, he can’t contain it….and when he laughs, it warms my heart. It’s a big hearty laugh, with a huge smile and Sparkling eyes to match. Listening to him giggle this morning reminded me that his name literally means “laughter”. I love this kid and his wild n crazy nature. Its what makes him….Isaac :o)
A lil something about Isaac…he’s so over the top with his emotions. When he cries, he cries hard….when he hurts, he hurts deeply…when he gets excited, he can’t contain it….and when he laughs, it warms my heart. It’s a big hearty laugh, with a huge smile and Sparkling eyes to match. Listening to him giggle this morning reminded me that his name literally means “laughter”. I love this kid and his wild n crazy nature. Its what makes him….Isaac :o)

The Things We Do....LOL

Our dryer died…The oven works just as well….just another day in the Payne house :o)
Our dryer died…The oven works just as well….just another day in the Payne house :o)

Just Hangin' Out - Summer 2013

It’s rare, but i love it when they love each other :o)

 Swimming is hard work!!
Hangin out with baby girl….
Warmin’ up after their icy swim

Buncha Nothing :)

Spent some time with my lil girl today, just garage saling and playing in the yard. Then went to ethans band concert (6 minutes long, ha). I love these monkeys dearly :)
Big decisions to make about their schooling next year, but for now its almost summer break and Im ready for those long lazy days again! If Jen keeps helping with the cleaning biz, I should only have to work 2 days a week all summer. That makes this mama very happy!

Blow that Trumpet!!

My lil trumpeter…..made it all the way thru a 6 minute concert! ;o) But they did great!!
My lil trumpeter…..made it all the way thru a 6 minute concert! ;o) But they did great!!

Little Tom Boy - Summer 2013

Is it bad that my DAUGHTERS favorite outside toy is a Tonka Dump truck??
Is it bad that my DAUGHTERS favorite outside toy is a Tonka Dump truck??

Dancing in the Rain - Summer 2013

How can I say no? Look at the happy faces!
Dancin’ in the rain…..How can I complain??

A Good Cry

Sometimes you just need one. Today was my day! Feeling a lil overwhelmed lately with working and being a wife and mom. I feel like I’m losing time with elyssa that I’ll never get back. But I keep in mind that I’m not the only one whose life has drastically changed. My mom has had to take over the business end, Rachel has had to adjust her routine to help out, Trish is recovering from a brain surgery, and Gramma is fighting a physical and emotional battle that we can never begin to imagine……we all have our issues, but sometimes the emotions can get the best of me. Praying that a sense of peace falls over our family soon!

Four wheelin' with Daddy - Spring 2013

4 wheelin’ with Daddy

Mothers Day 2013

Another mothers day is coming to an end. Last night I had a game night with kids since mike had to work. Then i promised elyssa a sleepover so i slept in her and Haylee’s room. Ethan made me breakfast. Isaac made me salsa at school, and a book he wrote about me. Daddy bought me garden pin wheels and solar butterflies.
I Started my day off at church, then took dinner to my moms house and we sat around watching old home videos. Interesting to see how much we’ve changed, and maybe a lil sad to see how much time has passed by. My baby from back then is now almost 22!
Seeing my Gramma on a 20 year old video was surprisingly hard - younger, stronger and more energetic….Before there was ever a thought of breast cancer trying to take her from us. Lord, touch her and bring the healing she so desperately needs!
I’m thankful today that I’ve been blessed with all 5 of my children. Each one brings something wonderful to my life in their own way. I’m thankful for my own mother, who is one of the best moms God ever created. I’m thankful for my Gram, who keeps hanging in there….showing us the strength and dignity of a true woman and Mother!
Mothers Day 2013


Isaac reading Bible stories to Elyssa. Sometimes they actually do get along :o)
Isaac reading Bible stories to Elyssa. Sometimes they actually do get along :o)

ME?? Work??

Sitting here watching The Lion King with the kids….Lyssa baby on my lap. Realizing that life is about to change even more. What a year its been!! With Mike losing his job, unemployment, Gramma getting sick, and me taking her place at work for now.
It’s still been a big change after being a stay at home mom for 13 years…..but we’re all adjusting. It has forced me to give the kids more responsibility, which is a good thing. I get to spend more time with my Mama - and Elyssa gets to have some bonding time with Gramma Cadle. Having to work has also helped my anxiety issues and helped us money wise…..so it’s been a good thing!
Not sure how summer will go with the kids home, but I’m sure we’ll work something out.

Baby Chicks!

The Easter chicks are growing and getting braver!
The Easter chicks are growing and getting braver! 

Easter 2013

Happy Easter! All of the kids got new baby chicks from the Easter Bunny…..so cute!!
I’ve watched The Bible on Tv the past few weeks. It makes all of the “stories” so much more real in my heart. What He endured for us. We are so undeserving!! I am thankful for what Jesus did for us.

Took the 3 younger kids to Lagrange Church this year for an egg hunt, then dyed our eggs afterward with Auntie Gloria. Haylee and Trisha went to church to help with the homeless outreach. So glad she can be a part of something meaningful!!

My biggest blessing this season had been the fact that Mike finally got saved a couple of weeks ago. I’ve waited and prayed for so long!! I cant even describe whats going on in my head and heart :o)

Happy Easter! All of the kids got new baby chicks from the Easter Bunny…..so cute!!  I’ve watched The Bible on Tv the past few weeks. It makes all of the “stories” so much more real in my heart. What He endured for us. We are so undeserving!! I am thankful for what Jesus did for us.  My biggest blessing this season had been the fact that Mike finally got saved a couple of weeks ago. I’ve waited and prayed for so long!! I cant even describe whats going on in my head and heart :o)


My brothers future wife? I’ve got a vibe ;o) So good to see him happy and in love again!!
My brothers future wife? I’ve got a vibe ;o) So good to see him happy and in love again!!


 I’ve got Jocelyn here staying the night with Elyssa. She loves having her very own sleepover. Its Spring Break so its been nice staying up late with the kids and sleeping in…..
Right now Its after midnight so today is the day Gramma goes for her pet scan, to see if the chemo is working. As much as we try to have full faith, theres always that nagging fear in the back of our minds. God has blessed us before with her health and we have to expect the same this time.
Hmmm, what else?? Sunday was my first day working in the nursery at church. But even more exciting, is that it was Mikes first day as an usher. I never ever thought I’d see the day :-)

Amish Country Feb. 2013

Had a little weekend getaway for Valentines day in Amish Country! I loved it!! And us getting away together without the kids was much needed. I feel like we’re heading down a new path….a better path :o)
Had a little weekend getaway for Valentines day in Amish Country! I loved it!! And us getting away together without the kids was much needed. I feel like we’re heading down a new path….a better path :o)

Love those 50's

Still playing catchup. Haylee made me this record vase in school, to go with my diner kitchen. Love love love!!
Still playing catchup. Haylee made me this record vase in school, to go with my diner kitchen. Love love love!!

Bakin' Cake!!

Our Pinterest basket cake…..Made by me and Haylee.
Our Pinterest basket cake…..Made by me and Haylee.

Machine Gun Preacher

Playing catchup now…..we met the Machine Gun Preacher in February. Good movie - great guy!! He’s doing amazing things for God!! And it was awesome to have my husband sitting next to me at an event like that :o)
Playing catchup now…..we met the Machine Gun Preacher in February. Good movie - great guy!! He’s doing amazing things for God!! And it was awesome to have my husband sitting next to me at an event like that :o)

Valentines Day 2013

This morning I woke up to Isaac running in the bedroom with a pretty bouquet of flowers in a pink pot. He was excited to see who left them on the kitchen counter….Daddy, of course! I had to work but came home to a table full of candy that Mike had bought for everyone, plus a gigantic cookie to share. Sweet!!!
I also got a porcelain diner tray from Mom and Gramma. All in all, a great Valentines Day!!
Unfortunately, the new wedding band I bought for Mike did not get here. Hopefully it comes tomorrow, so I can give it to him this weekend during our Amish Country getaway :o)

Heres our lil beauty, making Valentine cards for Gramma Cadle...
Making Gramma Cadle a Valentine card for tomorrow….

Christmas 2012
