

We never heard back from Gypsum for Mike, but the past few weeks has brought many changes!! God gave us better than we asked for! He got a job at Schwans making what he was before, driving a truck, but home every day and all weekends. He hasn't started yet, but he's officially hired!
 I also left my church after Pastor Loomis resigned, and I found Beyond the Walls Church. Surprisingly, Mike got up and went with me that first Sunday. To me, this is MONUMENTAL for our marriage! I can't even describe the feeling of FINALLY having my husband next to me at church! The church and people are amazing and doing wonderful things in our community to help people.
Thats only a small portion of my prayer list that God has fulfilled! So undeserving, yet He loves us to no end! Keeping a prayer list will definitely be something I keep up with now! 

In other news, we decorated for Halloween and I got to go to a 1950's sock hop with Isaac tonight. He was too cute! I look awful in this picture but hey, I still had fun with my lil man! :o)


My Gramma's test results were not good. They've found cancer in a few of her bones. This is why she's having such trouble with her legs lately. In some way it's good to finally know. She's been feeling bad for awhile. Now we just need to find out the extent of everything else....We'll start her "treatment" by praying. She's gotten through this before, and God can bring her through it again. I won't lie and say I'm not afraid....


Celebrating my Moms birthday!


We were blessed with a great deal on a room at Kalahari so we got to take the kids along with Melinda, Kelly, Rachel, Josh and their kids. We haven't done much this summer so it was a fun getaway and our room was beautiful!! We all had tons of fun and even little Elyssa rode everything! Definitely a place I'd like to go back to sometime! 


Spent last Friday in Shadyside Ohio for Mikes interview with Gypsum Trucking. Me and Elyssa headed over the bridge to West Virginia for lunch and the park. It was fun to into another state just to have lunch and drive around a bit.
Hopefully Mike gets this job with Gypsum. As much as I hate to have him gone for 5 days a week again, I'm also tired of living on $400 a week from unemployment.
At the moment, everyone is in bed and I have a beautiful 4 year old girl asleep on my legs. All is well :o)


My boys getting on the bus for the first day of school. First grade for Isaac and 6th grade for Ethan. Im always sad to see them go, and to see summer end :o(


We've decided Mike isn't going back to Valley Trucking again. It was just too hard on our family. He's going back to unemployment for now and trying to find a local job. It's scary, but once again I'm praying and trusting God. If nothing else, this whole job ordeal has taught me to lean on God more than ever before!


We went to the zoo this weekend with some other family members. We have to try to squeeze everything into each Saturday that Mike is home. We also realized that our chickens HAVE been laying eggs, but they were hiding them! So we found a whole pile of them.  


Another birthday! Elyssa turned 4 years old! Isnt she the cutest??
Mike got to be home for the weekend, which of course was bittersweet since he had to leave again for the rest of the week :o( But we enjoyed the weekend with him! On the 10th it was also our one year anniversary of moving into the house. What a ride we've been on in the last few months!


Mike finished his schooling and got a job right away. I didn't think things would go so quickly. This is the truck he's driving. I hate this truck! I feel like it stole my husband....and our family. I don't think I can be a truckers wife :o( I miss him more than I ever thought I could, but these are the cards we've been dealt for now....


Brandon turned 21 on the 29th of July! Happy Birthday boy!! Funny, I still see him as that little boy in a diaper, dancing to Achy Breaky Heart! Love him, and so proud of the man he’s becoming!!


So I'm doing The Love Dare with a group of women on facebook. It's been interesting! Todays dare was to make a candelight dinner. Its not very fancy but I did the best I could ;o) 


Mike still hasn't found a decent job so he's decided to go to trucking school. I'm proud of him! I feel something good is on its way for us! Having him home and out of work has changed some things between us, for the better!! So, we're off on another adventure and a whole new line of work!!


Happy Birthday Ethan Michael!!! Love you!!


We took the kids to see Linda and Papaw and Gramma Paynes graves. Maybe it was a little much for Haylee to handle. What a sweet spirit she has. I hope she never lets that big heart go! I miss these people terribly and its still hard to believe Linda is gone too :o(


Its June and school is out for the summer!! Wooohooo! Lazy days here we come!! Proud of my kiddos for all of their awards this year!



Cousin time!!


Love this rambunctious boy!! That's all I have to say right now :o)


Had a big Memorial Day cookout at our house this year! It was nice having everyone over and having the space to play! Love love LOVE it here!!
Playing Can Jam
They got Gramma Con on the trampoline! 
Gram & Pap