
Mothers Day

Yesterday was Mothers Day. It rained all day but otherwise, it was still a good day. Haylee and Ethan couldn't wait to give me their gifts. They had made some things at school and also colored some pictures for me here at home. Isaac even scribbled on paper for me :o)

Mike got me a huge tomato plant and some Mrs Millers pepper mustard dip! Yay!! The man apparently knows I like to eat!

I went to my Moms church that morning and then picked up pizza and mothers day cupcakes and we all went back to her house for dinner.

Mike took Ethan and Brandon home later that evening and I took Haylee and Isaac and went with my Mom to a church where our old Pastor (Rudy) was preaching. We loved him sooo much and I was pretty upset when they announced their resignation from the church. We hadn't seen him or Sharon since they left about 4 years ago, so it was nice to see/hear them again. I really miss those days....and I miss my Mom going to church with me too. She left my church a year ago to go somewhere else. I know she has to go where she feels led to be....but that doesn't make me miss her any less :o(

Anyways, it was a good day overall!


Busy Day!

Today was Mike's 39th birthday. Next year is the big 40!!

I took Haylee to the Red Cross this morning for a class to earn her first aid badge. Good job Haylee-girl! Now we know who to run to if we choke on a chicken bone or something ;o) Just kidding - I am really glad she learned those things. Mike and I were actually discussing taking the adult class. We both learned those things in high school but geez, that was like....5 years ago....heeheehee

After we picked her up, we all went out to lunch for Daddys birthday, then we were off to the big Art show! Haylee and Ethan both got their artwork picked to be on display. Poor little Ethan hates art class but he was so proud of his caterpillar today. Haylee had two things, a sunflower picture and a self portrait. Sooo proud of them both!!