
Here we go...

After reading some friend's blogs, I thought this looked like fun so here I am! I'll just start by introducing our family members:

Mike: The man in charge.....or so he thinks (just kidding hun!). He works hard so that I can be at home with our children until they are all in school. He tries his best to give us what we need and want. We met at work in 1996 and we've now been married for 9 years.

Tracy: That would be me, the Mama of the house. I've been a stay at home Mom since our daughter was born almost 8 years ago. I'm known as the family cheapskate :o) I love finding a good deal and I love garage sales! My passion is photography and I recently started my own little business, doing some paid photography jobs. I'm loving every minute!

Brandon: My oldest "baby". I had him when I was 16 so we've basically grown up together. He is now 16 years old, a junior in school and getting ready to get his license. He is generally a good kid and doesn't cause problems - probably the calmest and most laid back of all of the kids. He has always seemed more emotionally mature than most of his friends. He got into the Tech Prep courses at the JVS and hopefully he will enjoy that and take it further when he graduates. Maybe become partners with me in the photography biz? **hint hint Brandon**

Haylee: She turns 8 in December. She's our only daughter and definitely a drama queen. She is outgoing and makes a friend everywhere we go. She desperately wanted a sister but ended up with 3 brothers instead. She is constantly annoyed by them. "He's looking at me, he touched me, he made a face at me..." This goes on and on :o) She has a wonderful heart though and loves to pray for people. She is very smart and very "deep" at times, so I often have to remind myself that she is only 7 years old.

Ethan: He is our shy guy. He tends to be Haylee's little shadow. He started kindergarden this year and has done much better than I expected. As long a he knows Haylee is nearby, he is ok. He reminds me of myself because he worries alot and thinks too hard sometimes about what MIGHT happen. I hope to change this, for him AND myself. He's emotional and sweet and loves to spend time with his family.

Isaac: The white-headed wild child! I joke that if I would have had Isaac first, I probably wouldn't have had anymore children. LOL He has no fear of anything so he is always climbing, jumping, falling, etc...Going anywhere with him is always interesting, to say the least. You just never know what might happen! He keeps me on my toes! He has such a sweet, cuddly side too. At night he gets his blankie, then climbs up with Daddy in the recliner for a backrub, and fall asleeps there.

So, thats a little about us. To most people I'm sure our household looks and sounds like a madhouse :o) I guess we've gotten used to it. Sometimes it's a bit overwhelming but when you just sit back and watch them, you have to be amazed by their energy and spirit. They are a contant reminder that it's the little things in life that matter the most.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so glad you created a blog! I've missed you!
