
Its already cold!

It's mid-November and its already snowing and in the negative temperatures. Luckily, that means snuggly warm blankets, cozy candles and some early Christmas movies with the kids. I and so thankful for these healthy wonderful babies of mine, from the 6 year old up to the 23 year old :)
And let's not forget a little Christmas shopping with Mom!


Fall already??

Crazy how fast time goes. Still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Gram is gone. Since she died there has been 3 others die from lcog. It's just strange and a reminder that everyone has a time, and so will we. Depressing....
But otherwise we are doing ok. Schooling, working, going to church and trying to have a little fun in between :) I think we've finally got reliable help with work so I can cut back some. I'm not good with too much busy-ness. It frazzles me. So I'm looking forward to more peaceful days, I hope!