

It's interesting to see what people do when hospice says that only HOURS are left with your loved one. You've spent your whole life with this person and now they say you have a few hours left? At this moment there are people praying, quietly crying, humming, doing the dishes, and crocheting....coping mechanisms. We've never done this before. We don't know the "correct" way to act.

And then there's me - sitting in a chair with a blanket, my thoughts and my blog....cuz that's what I do. And still praying because it's not over just yet. God could blow through here in an instant and sit her up on that death bed. We know that! He's our only hope! But ultimately, that's His choice...and it's one we might never understand in this life.

There are scriptures playing, a fan blowing and an oxygen machine running, yet my surroundings seem very quiet and unreal. How did we get here? Lord God, HOW?