

It's August 20th and school starts in 11 days. Summer is coming to an end, which really makes me sad. No more unscheduled lazy days, sleeping in, spending a day at the beach. It's back to the hectic mornings and after school activities.....I hate to see my kids go back every year, even though I admit I will NOT miss the bickering that steals my sanity some days. Ha, I love 'em!!

Brandon starts college in 3 days. College already!! That is pure craziness!! I hope he really enjoys it.

Our "other son" is leaving on the same day, for the marines boot camp. Brandon met Evan when they were in middle school and he has been around quite a bit. I am nervous for him and I hate to see him go but I wish him the absolute best. He's a great kid!

So, in the next 11 days, our house will change....It'll be quieter, less messy, less hectic, less exciting....and more empty :o(

On the up side, I do look forward to spending some extra time during the day with my little man Isaac, and my baby girl Elyssa. I'll work with Isaac more on his letters and numbers so he'll be ready for Kindergarden next year. Things won't be all bad, and there's always the weekends for the big fun :o)